Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
doing ['du:ɪŋ] |
doing well financialy | |
doing the shopping ['dju:ɪŋ ðə 'ʃɔpɪŋ] |
doing its part ['dju:ɪŋ ɪts pɑ:t] |
doing the washing-up ['dju:ɪŋ ðə 'wɔʃɪŋ ʌp] |
doing anything ['dju:ɪŋ 'ɛnɪθɪŋ] |
Doing the same journey by car every day is stressf | |
doing ['du:ɪŋ] |
doing a course of some kind ['dju:ɪŋ ə kɔ:s ɔv sʌm kaɪnd] |
doing gymnastics ['dju:ɪŋ ʤɪm'næstɪks] |
doing time ['dju:ɪŋ taɪm] |
doing your homework ['dju:ɪŋ jɔ:(r) 'həumwə:k] |
doing exercise ['dju:ɪŋ 'ɛksəsaɪz] |
doing housework ['dju:ɪŋ 'hauswə:k] |
doing up ['dju:ɪŋ ʌp] |
Doing great, but I'll get over it ['dju:ɪŋ greɪt bʌt aɪl gɛt 'əuvə(r) ɪt] |
doing sports ['dju:ɪŋ spɔ:ts] |
doing sth to excess ['dju:ɪŋ 'sʌmθɪŋ tu 'ɛksɛs] |
doing karate ['dju:ɪŋ kər'ɔtɪ] |
doing odd jobs ['dju:ɪŋ ɔd ʤɔbz] |
doing damage to private property ['dju:ɪŋ 'dæməʤ tu 'praɪvɪt 'prɔpətɪ] |
doing homework ['dju:ɪŋ 'həumwə:k] |
doing very well ['dju:ɪŋ 'vɛrɪ wɛl] |
doing very well ['dju:ɪŋ 'vɛrɪ wɛl] |
doing a science project ['dju:ɪŋ ə 'saɪəns 'prɔʤekt] |
doing nothing ['dju:ɪŋ 'nʌθɪŋ] |
doing your hair ['du:ɪŋ jɔ:(r) hɛə(r)] |
doing my hobby ['du:ɪŋ maɪ 'hɔbɪ] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
discerning (mind) [dɪ'sə:nɪŋ] |
methodical [mə'θɔdəkl] |
efficient [ɪ'fɪʃənt] |
efficient [ɪ'fɪʃənt] |