Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
amend [ə'mɛnd] |
inaugurate [ɪ'nɔ:gjərɪt] |
introduction [ɪntrə'dʌkʃən] |
launch [lɔ:nʧ] |
loading ['ləudɪŋ] |
maze [meɪz] |
show into [ʃəu 'ɪntu] |
set in motion [sɛt ɪn 'məuʃən] |
misleading [mɪs'li:dɪŋ] |
move in [mu:v ɪn] |
move in [mu:v ɪn] |
invocation [ɪnvə'keɪʃən] |
introduced [ɪntrə'du:st] |
enter a command | |
fed into | |
roll out [rəul aut] |
key in [ki: ɪn] |
launching ['lɔ:nʧɪŋ] |
deregulation [dɪrɛgju'leɪʃən] |
show in [ʃəu ɪn] |
move in/out [mu:v ɪn aut] |
to release a film [tu rɪ'li:s ə fɪlm] |
introduce a bill [ɪntrə'du:s ə bɪl] |
introduce a law [ɪntrə'du:s ə lɔ:] |
set a scene | |
market ['mɑ:kɪt] |
misled [mɪs'lɛd] |
input ['ɪnput] |
move in (to) | |
to put into circulation [tu put 'ɪntu 'sə:kjuleɪʃən] |
to rock the boat | |
carry out ['kærɪ aut] |
move in [mu:v ɪn] |
fill in on | |
bring in on | |
enter ['ɛntə(r)] |
entering ['ɛntərɪŋ] |
mislead misled misled [mɪs'li:d mɪs'lɛd mɪs'lɛd] |
to enforce [tu ɪn'fɔ:s] |
to enforce curfew | |
introduce [ɪntrə'dju:s] |
bring in sth [brɪŋ ɪn 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
Introduction to each section [ɪntrə'dʌkʃən tu i:ʧ 'sɛkʃən] |
amend [ə'mɛnd] |
innovate ['ɪnəveɪt] |
enforce [ɪn'fɔ:s] |
opening remark ['əupənɪŋ rɪ'mɑ:k] |
ushered ['ʌʃərd] |
usher ['ʌʃə(r)] |
feed into [fi:d 'ɪntu] |
move in house [mu:v ɪn haus] |
proofreading ['pru:fri:dɪŋ] |
introduction to sth [ɪntrə'dʌkʃən tu 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
bring into [brɪŋ 'ɪntu] |
input input input ['ɪnput 'ɪnput 'ɪnput] |
to make alterations to sth [tu meɪk ɔ:ltər'eɪʃənz tu 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
carry sth into effect ['kærɪ 'sʌmθɪŋ 'ɪntu ɪ'fɛkt] |
to bring sth in | |
to move into a place | |
introducing [ɪntrə'du:sɪŋ] |
jeden Tag einen Feiertag einfuhren | |
implement improvements ['ɪmpləmənt ɪm'pru:vmənts] |
relaunched [rɪ'lɔ:nʧt] |
to put the necessary activities [tu put ðə 'nɛsɪsɪrɪ æk'tɪvɪtɪz] |
put into [put 'ɪntu] |
introduced into the marketplace [ɪntrə'du:st 'ɪntu ðə 'mɑ:kətpleɪs] |
market ['mɑ:kɪt] |
enforce [ɪn'fɔ:s] |
bring in [brɪŋ ɪn] |
putting in place | |
to introduce a new brand name to the market [tu ɪntrə'du:s ə nju: brænd neɪm tu ðə 'mɑ:kɪt] |
to innovate | |
move in next month | |
enforcement [en'fɔ:smənt] |
to effect [tu ɪ'fɛkt] |
release a movie [rɪ'li:s ə 'mu:vɪ] |
bring under stricter control [brɪŋ 'ʌndə(r) 'strɪktə(r) kən'trəul] |
to play havoc with [tu pleɪ 'hævək wɪð] |
induction [ɪn'dʌkʃən] |
launch a novelty [lɔ:nʧ ə 'nɔvəltɪ] |
line-stretching [laɪn 'strɛʧɪŋ] |
moved in [mju:vd ɪn] |
insert [ɪn'sə:t] |
amend in the agenda under [ə'mɛnd ɪn ðə ə'ʤɛndə 'ʌndə(r)] |
enforce [ɪn'fɔ:s] |
make a change (to sth/ in sth) [meɪk ə ʧeɪnʤ tu 'sʌmθɪŋ ɪn 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
introduce [ɪntrə'du:s] |
induction [ɪn'dʌkʃən] |
introduction of sth [ɪntrə'dʌkʃən ɔv 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
put management techniques into practise [put 'mænəʤmənt tek'ni:ks 'ɪntu 'præktɪs] |
lease-up [li:s ʌp] |
misrepresented [mɪsreprɪ'zɛntɪd] |
putting ideas into practice ['putɪŋ aɪ'di:əz 'ɪntu 'præktəs] |
implement her ideas ['ɪmpləmənt hə:(r) aɪ'di:əz] |
introduce the law [ɪntrə'du:s ðə lɔ:] |
bring (sth) under stricter control [brɪŋ 'sʌmθɪŋ 'ʌndə(r) 'strɪktə(r) kən'trəul] |
bring a sense of order to the house [brɪŋ ə sɛns ɔv 'ɔ:də(r) tu ðə haus] |
enter your PIN ['ɛntə(r) jɔ:(r) pɪn] |
put policies into action [put 'pɔlɪsɪz 'ɪntu 'ækʃən] |
bring in/ introduce a law [brɪŋ ɪn ɪntrə'du:s ə lɔ:] |