Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
customs ['kʌstəmz] |
dutyfree | |
customs procedures with economic impact | |
They're waiting in line at customs for Europen citizens. | |
The French family is talking to an American customs officer. | |
At customs , a customs officer will check your passport and ask you some questions. | |
at customs [æt 'kʌstəmz] |
we don't announce this to custom. [wi: dəunt ə'nauns ðɪs tu 'kʌstəm] |
container is being processed at the clearance agency. ['pækəʤ ɪz 'bi:ɪŋ 'prɔsest æt ðə 'klɪərəns 'eɪʤənsɪ] |
check-in officer [ʧɛk ɪn 'ɔ:fɪsə(r)] |