Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
customs ['kʌstəmz] |
check-in desk [ʧɛk ɪn dɛsk] |
check in [ʧɛk ɪn] |
check in [ʧɛk ɪn] |
check in at the airport | |
check-in-desk [ʧɛk ɪn dɛsk] |
check-in-desk ['tʃek - ɪn - desk] |
check-in desk [ʧɛk ɪn dɛsk] |
They're waiting in line at customs for Europen citizens. | |
The man is angry with the customs officer. | |
The French family is talking to an American customs officer. | |
At customs , a customs officer will check your passport and ask you some questions. | |
Customs officer has returned his passport to him. | |
I received a new passport , but I had another problem at customs. [aɪ rɪ'si:vd ə nju: 'pɑ:spɔ:t bʌt aɪ hæd ə'nʌðə(r) 'prɔbləm æt 'kʌstəmz] |
I have 2 suitcases to check. [aɪ hæv 2 'sju:tkeɪsɪz tu ʧɛk] |
You can go and check in | |
check in [ʧɛk ɪn] |
check-in [ʧɛk ɪn] |
Which gate for flight number...? [wɪʧ geɪt fɔ:(r) flaɪt 'nʌmbə(r)] |
check in [ʧɛk ɪn] |
departure gate [dɪ'pɑ:ʧə(r) geɪt] |
check in (at the air port) [ʧɛk ɪn æt ðə ɛə(r) pɔ:t] |
check-in desk [ʧɛk ɪn dɛsk] |
How many bags are you checking in? [hau 'mɛnɪ bægz ɑ:(r) ju: 'ʧɛkɪŋ ɪn] |
check in [ʧɛk ɪn] |
check-in [ʧɛk ɪn] |
we don't announce this to custom. [wi: dəunt ə'nauns ðɪs tu 'kʌstəm] |
the check in [ðə ʧɛk ɪn] |
container is being processed at the clearance agency. ['pækəʤ ɪz 'bi:ɪŋ 'prɔsest æt ðə 'klɪərəns 'eɪʤənsɪ] |
check in our luggage [ʧɛk ɪn 'auə(r) 'lʌgəʤ] |
check-in desk [ʧɛk ɪn dɛsk] |
to check in [tu ʧɛk ɪn] |
check in [ʧɛk ɪn] |
check-in counter [ʧɛk ɪn 'kauntə(r)] |
check-in officer [ʧɛk ɪn 'ɔ:fɪsə(r)] |
what time does the check-in counter open? [wɔt taɪm dʌz ðə ʧɛk ɪn 'kauntə(r) 'əupən] |
is there a self-service skills for check in ? [ɪz ðɛə(r) ə sɛlf 'sə:vəs skɪlz fɔ:(r) ʧɛk ɪn] |
is there a self service kiosk for check in? [ɪz ðɛə(r) ə sɛlf 'sə:vəs 'ki:ɔsk fɔ:(r) ʧɛk ɪn] |