Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
footnote ['futnəut] |
underfoot [ndər'fut] |
undermost | |
underneath [ʌndə'ni:θ] |
in arrears [ɪn ə`rɪəz] |
man downstairs | |
at the bottom of the page | |
at the bottom | |
awning ['ɔ:nɪŋ] |
under ['ʌndə(r)] |
go down this street [gəu daun ðɪs stri:t] |
You need to put it face down. [ju: ni:d tu put ɪt feɪs daun] |
to talk down to somebody [tu tɔ:k daun tu 'sʌmbədɪ] |
down [daun] |
under ['ʌndə(r)] |
downward ['daunwəd] |
down [daun] |
to pit [tu pɪt] |
gull [gʌl] |
in arrears [ɪn ə`rɪəz] |
I've searched for the keys high and low and couldn't find them [aɪv sə:ʧt fɔ:(r) ðə ki:z haɪ ænd ləu ænd 'kudənt faɪnd ðɛm] |