Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
bring on [brɪŋ ɔn] |
to cause mental exhaustion | |
entail [ɪn'teɪl] |
make [meɪk] |
bring forth [brɪŋ fɔ:θ] |
spawn [spɔn] |
to cause problems [tu kɔz 'prɔbləmz] |
cause uproar [kɔz 'ʌprɔ:r] |
create waves | |
cause to happen | |
bring about [brɪŋ ə'baut] |
traumatise [traumatise] |
bring on [brɪŋ ɔn] |
give sb the creps | |
bring sb to halt [brɪŋ 'sʌmbədɪ tu hɔ:lt] |
bring to a halt | |
to cause [tu kɔz] |
to cause many serious diseases [tu kɔz 'mɛnɪ 'sɪərɪəs dɪ'zi:zəz] |
cause [kɔz] |
bring on [brɪŋ ɔn] |
give somebody the shivers [gɪv 'sʌmbədɪ ðə 'ʃɪvə(r)z] |
cause diabetic [kɔz daɪə'bɛtɪk] |
cause pollution [kɔz pə'lu:ʃən] |
bring sth about [brɪŋ 'sʌmθɪŋ ə'baut] |
produce [prə'du:s] |
cause [kɔz] |
cause [kɔz] |
stomach churned ['stʌmək ʧə:nd] |
hold lots of memories [həuld lɔts ɔv 'mɛmərɪz] |
bring about [brɪŋ ə'baut] |
to prompt [tu prɔmpt] |
prompted by ['prɔmptəd baɪ] |
to prompt [tu prɔmpt] |
to bring about /to cause/ [tu brɪŋ ə'baut tu kɔz] |
pose [pəuz] |
to cause sth [tu kɔz 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
bring forth [brɪŋ fɔ:θ] |
cause [kɔz] |
bring on collapse [brɪŋ ɔn kə'læps] |
to trigger sth [tu 'trɪgə(r) 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
stirring up ['stə:ɪŋ ʌp] |
spawn [spɔn] |
cause a fuss [kɔz ə fʌs] |
induce [ɪn'du:s] |
cause damage [kɔz 'dæməʤ] |
cause to [kɔz tu] |
cause a trouble [kɔz ə 'trʌbl] |
bring on [brɪŋ ɔn] |
cause harm [kɔz hɑ:m] |
cause [kɔz] |
do sb the world of good [du: 'sʌmbədɪ ðə wə:ld ɔv gud] |
touch off [tʌʧ ɔf] |
bring about [brɪŋ ə'baut] |
Stress verursachen [strɛs verursachen] |