Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
artifice ['ɑ:tɪfɪs] |
cookery [cookery] |
play [pleɪ] |
tribal art | |
modern art ['mɔdən ɑ:t] |
the arts [ðə ɑ:ts] |
art [ɑ:t] |
the art of poetry | |
artistry ['ɑ:tɪstrɪ] |
art [ɑ:t] |
Egyptian art | |
Babylonian art | |
art of the Persians | |
art of the Assyrians | |
art of Asia Minor | |
Greek art | |
Etruscan art | |
Roman art | |
Early Christian art | |
Byzantine art ['bɪzəntaɪn ɑ:t] |
romanesque art | |
Gothic art | |
Renaissance art | |
Baroque art [bə'rəuk ɑ:t] |
each [i:ʧ] |
the play was performed | |
contemporary play | |
play [pleɪ] |
play [pleɪ] |
moulding ['məuldɪŋ] |
abstract art [æb'strækt ɑ:t] |
art for art's sake [ɑ:t fɔ:(r) ɑ:ts seɪk] |
official art | |
art [ɑ:t] |
TV drama | |
Art is long and life is short | |
decorative art ['dɛkərətɪv ɑ:t] |
material art [mə'tɪrɪəl ɑ:t] |
ars guberandi | |
ars dictandi | |
ars persuadendi | |
ars amandi | |
traditional art [trə'dɪʃənl ɑ:t] |
art | |
the art of photography [ðə ɑ:t ɔv fə'tɔgrəfɪ] |
play set in [pleɪ sɛt ɪn] |
pavement art ['peɪvmənt ɑ:t] |
are and crafts [ɑ:(r) ænd krɑ:fts] |
play [pleɪ] |
art for art [ɑ:t fɔ:(r) ɑ:t] |
art and design [ɑ:t ænd dɪ'zaɪn] |
the fine arts [ðə faɪn ɑ:ts] |
item ['aɪtəm] |
survival [sər'vaɪvəl] |
piece of luggage [pi:s ɔv 'lʌgəʤ] |
piece [pi:s] |
modern/traditional art ['mɔdən trə'dɪʃənl ɑ:t] |
ancient art ['eɪnʧənt ɑ:t] |
contemporary art [kən'tɛmpərərɪ ɑ:t] |
folk art [fəuk ɑ:t] |
oriental art [ɔ:rɪ'ɛntl ɑ:t] |
a play [ə pleɪ] |
classical drama ['klæsɪkl 'drɑ:mə] |
modern drama ['mɔdən 'drɑ:mə] |
applied art [əp'laɪd ɑ:t] |
gastronomy [gæs'trɔnəmɪ] |
topiary ['təupɪɛrɪ] |
tribal art ['traɪbl ɑ:t] |
art [ɑ:t] |
art [ɑ:t] |
The play [ðə pleɪ] |
The play was [ðə pleɪ wɔz] |
The play was very interesting. [ðə pleɪ wɔz 'vɛrɪ 'ɪntrɪstɪŋ] |
a piece of luggage [ə pi:s ɔv 'lʌgəʤ] |
art and design [ɑ:t ænd dɪ'zaɪn] |
public art ['pʌblɪk ɑ:t] |
arts and crafts [ɑ:ts ænd krɑ:fts] |
drama ['drɑ:mə] |
The play was very interesting. [ðə pleɪ wɔz 'vɛrɪ 'ɪntrɪstɪŋ] |
the play was performed by [ðə pleɪ wɔz pər'fɔ:md baɪ] |
The play was a total flop. [ðə pleɪ wɔz ə 'təutl flɔp] |
street art [stri:t ɑ:t] |
acting ['æktɪŋ] |
body-painting ['bɔdɪ 'peɪntɪŋ] |
art that kills [ɑ:t ðæt kɪlz] |