Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
weigh [weɪ] |
weight [weɪt] |
weighty ['weɪtɪ] |
weigh the luggage [weɪ ðə 'lʌgəʤ] |
weightlessness ['weɪtlɪsnəs] |
weight-lifting [weɪt 'lɪftɪŋ] |
weight loss [weɪt lɔs] |
weightlifting ['weɪtlɪftɪŋ] |
weightlifter ['weɪtlɪftə(r)] |
weight [weɪt] |
weight of reality | |
weight belt | |
weight up all the pros and cons | |
weigh anchor [weɪ 'æŋkə(r)] |
weight [weɪt] |
weight-training | |
weights [weɪts] |
weighlifting | |
weight paint | |
weight training [weɪt 'treɪnɪŋ] |
weight [weɪt] |
weigh on | |
weigh in on | |
weigh [weɪ] |
weigh sb down [weɪ 'sʌmbədɪ daun] |
weight gain [weɪt geɪn] |
weigh up the pros and cons | |
weightening | |
weight off your feet | |
weightlifting/weightlifter ['weɪtlɪftɪŋ 'weɪtlɪftə(r)] |
weigh [weɪ] |
weight loss [weɪt lɔs] |
weight [weɪt] |
weightless ['weɪtləs] |
weigh [weɪ] |
weigh up [weɪ ʌp] |
weighed out [weɪd aut] |
weigh [weɪ] |
weighing room ['weɪɪŋ ru:m] |
weigh the pros and cons [weɪ ðə prəuz ænd kɔnz] |
weight - bearing [weɪt 'bɛərɪŋ] |
weight [weɪt] |
weight [weɪt] |
weighted ['weɪtɪd] |
weigh up pros and cons [weɪ ʌp prəuz ænd kɔnz] |
weightlifter ['weɪtlɪftə(r)] |
weight of [weɪt ɔv] |
weightless ['weɪtləs] |
weight up information [weɪt ʌp ɪnfər'meɪʃən] |
weightlessness ['weɪtlɪsnəs] |
weighting factor ['weɪtɪŋ 'fæktə(r)] |
weight anchor [weɪt 'æŋkə(r)] |
weight belt [weɪt bɛlt] |
weight up [weɪt ʌp] |
weight bearing [weɪt 'bɛərɪŋ] |
weight-bearing [weɪt 'bɛərɪŋ] |
weights [weɪts] |
weigh up [weɪ ʌp] |
weight problems [weɪt 'prɔbləmz] |
weigh the options [weɪ ðə 'ɔpʃənz] |
weights and measures [weɪts ænd 'mɛʒərz] |
weight [weɪt] |
weight belt [weɪt bɛlt] |
weight [weɪt] |
weight training [weɪt 'treɪnɪŋ] |
weight bar [weɪt bɑ:(r)] |
weights [weɪts] |
weigh [weɪ] |
weighed [weɪd] |
weight [weɪt] |
weight in with [weɪt ɪn wɪð] |
weight range [weɪt reɪnʤ] |
weight [weɪt] |
weight off mind [weɪt ɔf maɪnd] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
weighted ['weɪtɪd] |