Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
bodice | |
bodily ['bɔdɪlɪ] |
body ['bɔdɪ] |
bodyguard [gɑ:d] |
bodywork [bodywork] |
bodyguard ['bɔdɪgɑ:d] |
bode [bəud] |
body cells | |
body in shape | |
body parts ['bɔdɪ pɑ:ts] |
body ['bɔdɪ] |
body builder ['bɔdɪ 'bɪldə(r)] |
body ['bɔdɪ] |
body-language ['bɔdɪ 'læŋgwəʤ] |
body ['bɔdɪ] |
bodybuilder [bodybuilder] |
body clock | |
bodyguard ['bɔdɪgɑ:d] |
bodies ['bɔdɪz] |
body ['bɔdɪ] |
body lotion ['bɔdɪ 'ləuʃən] |
body shop ['bɔdɪ ʃɔp] |
body ['bɔdɪ] |
body(work) | |
bodybuilding [bodybuilding] |
body search ['bɔdɪ sə:ʧ] |
body language ['bɔdɪ 'læŋgwəʤ] |
bodies of water | |
body piercing ['bɔdɪ 'pɪrsɪŋ] |
bodyguards are hired to protect famous people ['bɔdɪgɑrdz ɑ:(r) 'haɪərd tu prə'tɛkt 'feɪməs 'pi:pl] |
body-builder ['bɔdɪ 'bɪldə(r)] |
Body care ['bɔdɪ kɛə(r)] |
bodyguard ['bɔdɪgɑ:d] |
bodily and mental hindrances ['bɔdɪlɪ ænd 'mɛntl 'hɪndrənsɪz] |
body's ability to fight disease and cope with pain [body's ə'bɪlɪtɪ tu faɪt dɪ'zi:z ænd kəup wɪð peɪn] |
body wash ['bɔdɪ wɔʃ] |
bodies of dead animals ['bɔdɪz ɔv dɛd 'ænəməlz] |
body ['bɔdɪ] |
bodysuit [bodysuit] |
body and soul ['bɔdɪ ænd səul] |
body brush ['bɔdɪ brʌʃ] |
body ['bɔdɪ] |
bode well [bəud wɛl] |
body double ['bɔdɪ 'dʌbl] |
body's joints [body's ʤɔɪnts] |
body armour ['bɔdɪ 'ɑ:mə(r)] |
body warmer ['bɔdɪ 'wɔ:mə(r)] |
body up with sb ['bɔdɪ ʌp wɪð 'sʌmbədɪ] |
body surface ['bɔdɪ 'sə:fɪs] |
body temperature ['bɔdɪ 'tɛmprəʧə(r)] |
body shell ['bɔdɪ ʃɛl] |
body of research ['bɔdɪ ɔv rɪ'sə:ʧ] |
body building ['bɔdɪ 'bɪldɪŋ] |
body ['bɔdɪ] |
body ['bɔdɪ] |
body fluids ['bɔdɪ 'flu:ədz] |
bodyguard ['bɔdɪgɑ:d] |
bodged [bodged] |
body well ['bɔdɪ wɛl] |
body contours ['bɔdɪ 'kɔnturz] |
body structure ['bɔdɪ 'strʌkʧə(r)] |
body oil massage ['bɔdɪ ɔɪl mə'sɔʒ] |
body scrub ['bɔdɪ skrʌb] |
body suits ['bɔdɪ sju:ts] |
body ['bɔdɪ] |
body ['bɔdɪ] |
bodily harm ['bɔdɪlɪ hɑ:m] |
body of the car ['bɔdɪ ɔv ðə kɑ:(r)] |
body bag ['bɔdɪ bæg] |
body weight loss ['bɔdɪ weɪt lɔs] |
body rappel; classic rappel ['bɔdɪ rappel 'klæsɪk rappel] |
body rappel, classic rappel ['bɔdɪ rappel 'klæsɪk rappel] |
body built ['bɔdɪ bɪlt] |
bodily functions ['bɔdɪlɪ 'fʌŋkʃənz] |
bodily fluids ['bɔdɪlɪ 'flu:ədz] |
body systems ['bɔdɪ 'sɪstəmz] |
body lotion ['bɔdɪ 'ləuʃən] |
bodywork [bodywork] |
body movements ['bɔdɪ 'mju:vmənts] |
body shape ['bɔdɪ ʃeɪp] |
body cell ['bɔdɪ sɛl] |
body-painting ['bɔdɪ 'peɪntɪŋ] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
baud [bɔ:d] |
impetus ['ɪmpətəs] |
stimulus ['stɪmjuləs] |
incentive [ɪn'sɛntɪv] |
stimuli ['stɪmjulaɪ] |
body ['bɔdɪ] |
bodysuit [bodysuit] |
spur [spə:] |
neutral stimulus ['nju:trəl 'stɪmjuləs] |
discriminative stimulus [discriminative 'stɪmjuləs] |
sensory stimuli ['sɛnsərɪ 'stɪmjulaɪ] |
spur [spə:] |
incentive [ɪn'sɛntɪv] |
body suits ['bɔdɪ sju:ts] |
incentive [ɪn'sɛntɪv] |
stimulus/stimuli ['stɪmjuləs 'stɪmjulaɪ] |
stimulus ['stɪmjuləs] |
stimulus ['stɪmjuləs] |