Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
ultima cena |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
fare [fɛə(r)] |
price [praɪs] |
the price of petrol [ðə praɪs ɔv 'pɛtrəl] |
unit net price ['ju:nɪt nɛt praɪs] |
share price [ʃɛə(r) praɪs] |
the price of a shovel [ðə praɪs ɔv ə 'ʃʌvəl] |
air fare [ɛə(r) fɛə(r)] |
bus/train/air fare | |
rate for a room [reɪt fɔ:(r) ə ru:m] |
price of admission [praɪs ɔv æd'mɪʃən] |
discount price [dɪs'kaunt praɪs] |
cost [kɔst] |
selling price | |
price of the ticket | |
rent in reasonable [rɛnt ɪn 'ri:zənəbl] |
delivery price | |
Price per night... | |
gross price [grəus praɪs] |
The price should be lower. [ðə praɪs ʃud bi: 'ləuə(r)] |
bottom line ['bɔtəm laɪn] |
agreed price [əg'ri:d praɪs] |
bid price [bɪd praɪs] |
offer price ['ɔfə(r) praɪs] |
original purchase price [ə'rɪʤɪnl 'pə:ʧɪs praɪs] |
replacement price [rɪp'leɪsmənt praɪs] |
retail price ['ri:teɪl praɪs] |
wholesale price ['həulseɪl praɪs] |
The price of oil is sliding down [ðə praɪs ɔv ɔɪl ɪz 'slaɪdɪŋ daun] |
issue par ['ɪʃu: pɑ:] |
going rate ['gəuɪŋ reɪt] |
factory gate price ['fæktərɪ geɪt praɪs] |
The price of gas is going down [ðə praɪs ɔv gæs ɪz 'gəuɪŋ daun] |
bargain price ['bɑ:gən praɪs] |
price soared [praɪs sɔ:d] |
spot rate [spɔt reɪt] |
the price is twice as high if you want to have a private room. [ðə praɪs ɪz twaɪs æz haɪ ɪf ju: wɔnt tu hæv ə 'praɪvɪt ru:m] |
price quoted [praɪs 'kwəutəd] |
the price is competitive [ðə praɪs ɪz kəm'pɛtətɪv] |
price will go up [praɪs wɪl gəu ʌp] |
Price the watch is $ 30. [praɪs ðə wɔʧ ɪz $ 30] |
The price of such transport is 550e [ðə praɪs ɔv sʌʧ træn'spɔ:t ɪz 550e] |
list price [lɪst praɪs] |
cost price [kɔst praɪs] |
price quoted in euro [praɪs 'kwəutəd ɪn 'jju:rə] |
the price is on the label [ðə praɪs ɪz ɔn ðə 'leɪbl] |
The price should be lower [ðə praɪs ʃud bi: 'ləuə(r)] |
The price includes shipping cost [ðə praɪs ɪn'klu:dz 'ʃɪpɪŋ kɔst] |
price for [praɪs fɔ:(r)] |
the price of a return ticket [ðə praɪs ɔv ə rɪ'tə:n 'tɪkɪt] |
price which is [praɪs wɪʧ ɪz] |
pricing ['praɪsɪŋ] |
delivery price [dɪ'lɪvərɪ praɪs] |
price pay for [praɪs peɪ fɔ:(r)] |
truckload pricing ['trʌkləud 'praɪsɪŋ] |
the price includes insurance [ðə praɪs ɪn'klu:dz ɪn'ʃuərəns] |
rate [reɪt] |
market price ['mɑ:kɪt praɪs] |
the price includes accommodation and full board [ðə praɪs ɪn'klu:dz əkɔmə'deɪʃən ænd ful bɔ:d] |
Price may vary depending on location and currency. [praɪs meɪ 'vɛərɪ dɪ'pɛndɪŋ ɔn lə'keɪʃən ænd 'kʌrnsɪ] |
admission price [æd'mɪʃən praɪs] |
unit price ['ju:nɪt praɪs] |
price to be paid [praɪs tu bi: peɪd] |
The price in terms of lives to be paid for this convenience is extraordinarily high [ðə praɪs ɪn tə:mz ɔv lɪvz tu bi: peɪd fɔ:(r) ðɪs kən'vi:nɪəns ɪz ɪks'trɔ:dnrɪ haɪ] |
battle scene ['bætl si:n] |
The price includes breakfast. [ðə praɪs ɪn'klu:dz 'brɛkfəst] |