Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
final ['faɪnl] |
finally ['faɪnəlɪ] |
finance ['faɪnæns] |
finances [faɪ'nænsɪz] |
financial [faɪ'nænʃəl] |
financier [faɪ'nænsɪə(r)] |
finally ['faɪnəlɪ] |
finance experience [fə'næns ɪk'spɪərɪəns] |
financial result | |
financial service | |
finance director [fə'næns dər'ɛktə(r)] |
finals exam | |
final payment ['faɪnl 'peɪmənt] |
final leg | |
final call | |
financial performance [fə'nænʃəl pə'fɔ:məns] |
financial liquidity [fə'nænʃəl lɪk'wɪdɪtɪ] |
financial specialist | |
finance ['faɪnæns] |
financially [faɪ'nænʃəlɪ] |
final score ['faɪnl skɔ:(r)] |
financial support [fə'nænʃəl sə'pɔ:t] |
financially motivated | |
financial assistance [fə'nænʃəl ə'sɪstəns] |
financial loss [fə'nænʃəl lɔs] |
financial insecurity [fə'nænʃəl ɪnsɪ'kjurɪtɪ] |
financial backing [fə'nænʃəl 'bækɪŋ] |
final exam ['faɪnl ɪg'zæm] |
finale [fə'nælɪ] |
final call ['faɪnl kɔ:l] |
final remarks ['faɪnl rɪ'mɑ:ks] |
finance ['faɪnæns] |
finally ['faɪnəlɪ] |
financial compensation [fə'nænʃəl kɔmpən'seɪʃən] |
final ['faɪnl] |
finance department [fə'næns dɪ'pɑ:tmənt] |
financially dependent | |
finance company [fə'næns 'kʌmpənɪ] |
financial adviser [fə'nænʃəl æd'vaɪzə(r)] |
finally ['faɪnəlɪ] |
final decision ['faɪnl dɪ'sɪʒən] |
final ['faɪnl] |
final bid | |
final commercial price | |
finally ['faɪnəlɪ] |
final exams | |
final scene ['faɪnl si:n] |
financial commitment [fə'nænʃəl kə'mɪtmənt] |
financial package [fə'nænʃəl 'pækəʤ] |
final ['faɪnl] |
final/semi-final ['faɪnl 'sɛmɪ 'faɪnl] |
financial savings [fə'nænʃəl 'seɪvɪŋz] |
final ['faɪnl] |
final cost ['faɪnl kɔst] |
final date ['faɪnl deɪt] |
final hearing | |
financial manager [fə'nænʃəl 'mænəʤə(r)] |
financial strength | |
financial crisis/crash [fə'nænʃəl 'kraɪsɪs kræʃ] |
financial transactions | |
financial director [fə'nænʃəl dər'ɛktə(r)] |
finals ['faɪnəlz] |
financial operation | |
financed | |
financal security | |
financial district [fə'nænʃəl 'dɪstrɪkt] |
final thought | |
final credits roll ['faɪnl 'krɛdɪts rəul] |
financial turmoil | |
Finally, I'll describe what she's like as a person ['faɪnəlɪ aɪl dɪs'kraɪb wɔt ʃi:z laɪk æz ə 'pə:sɪn] |
finalise [finalise] |
financial security [fə'nænʃəl sɪ'kjuərɪtɪ] |
final possibility ['faɪnl pɔsɪ'bɪlɪtɪ] |
final design ['faɪnl dɪ'zaɪn] |
final straight ['faɪnl streɪt] |
final pages ['faɪnl 'peɪʤəz] |
financial standing [fə'nænʃəl 'stændɪŋ] |
final ['faɪnl] |
final lap ['faɪnl læp] |
finalist ['faɪnəlɪst] |
finalize ['faɪnəlaɪz] |
financial perspective [fə'nænʃəl pərs'pɛktɪv] |
financial chamber [fə'nænʃəl 'ʧeɪmbə(r)] |
financial circumstances [fə'nænʃəl 'sə:kəmstænsɪz] |
financial advisor [fə'nænʃəl əd'vaɪzə(r)] |
financial hardship [fə'nænʃəl 'hɑ:dʃɪp] |
financial motivation [fə'nænʃəl məutə'veɪʃən] |
finagle ['fɪnəgl] |
financial statement [fə'nænʃəl 'steɪtmənt] |
final outcome ['faɪnl 'autkʌm] |
financial constraints [fə'nænʃəl kən'streɪnts] |
Finally, we can take a taxi home ['faɪnəlɪ wi: kæn teɪk ə 'tæksɪ həum] |
final price ['faɪnl praɪs] |
final nail in the coffin ['faɪnl neɪl ɪn ðə 'kɔfɪn] |
finance [fə'næns] |
Finally, he is back on his feet again. ['faɪnəlɪ hi: ɪz bæk ɔn hɪz fi:t ə'gɛn] |
finance lease [fə'næns li:s] |
final valuation ['faɪnl vælju'eɪʃən] |
financial security [fə'nænʃəl sɪ'kjuərɪtɪ] |
financial key figures [fə'nænʃəl ki: 'fɪgjəz] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
cup-final [kʌp 'faɪnl] |
finance ['faɪnæns] |
finances [faɪ'nænsɪz] |
financial [faɪ'nænʃəl] |
financier [faɪ'nænsɪə(r)] |
firm up [fə:m ʌp] |
financial specialist | |
finance ['faɪnæns] |
financially [faɪ'nænʃəlɪ] |
funding ['fʌndɪŋ] |
debt financing [dɛt fə'nænsɪŋ] |
business finance | |
finale [fə'nælɪ] |
finance ['faɪnæns] |
fund [fʌnd] |
clinch [klɪnʧ] |
final ['faɪnl] |
final/semi-final ['faɪnl 'sɛmɪ 'faɪnl] |
men's final | |
financial savings [fə'nænʃəl 'seɪvɪŋz] |
corporate finance | |
financed | |
mezzanine financing ['mɛzəni:n fə'nænsɪŋ] |
financial turmoil | |
FTSE - Footsie | |
final ['faɪnl] |
finalist ['faɪnəlɪst] |
finalize ['faɪnəlaɪz] |
Superbowl ['sju:pərbəul] |
endowment [en'daumənt] |
funded ['fʌndəd] |
economies of scale [ɪ'kɔnəmɪz ɔv skeɪl] |
funding from outside sources ['fʌndɪŋ frɔm aut'saɪd 'sɔ:sɪz] |
finance (studies) [fə'næns 'stʌdɪz] |
finance [fə'næns] |
finance and accounting [fə'næns ænd ə'kauntɪŋ] |
finance studies [fə'næns 'stʌdɪz] |
to finance, to fund [tu fə'næns tu fʌnd] |
debt finance [dɛt fə'næns] |
finance/financial [fə'næns fə'nænʃəl] |
bridge financing [brɪʤ fə'nænsɪŋ] |
funded by the government ['fʌndəd baɪ ðə 'gʌvərmənt] |
final scene ['faɪnl si:n] |
finance/ financial [fə'næns fə'nænʃəl] |
set up a charitable foundation [sɛt ʌp ə 'ʧærɪtəbl faun'deɪʃən] |
final ['faɪnl] |
football cup final ['futbɔ:l kʌp 'faɪnl] |
financed by taxes [fɪ'nænst baɪ 'tæksɪz] |
financial and commercial centre [fə'nænʃəl ænd kə'mə:ʃəl 'sɛntə(r)] |
in the end |