Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
mieszać składniki | |
mieszać składniki |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
alloy ['ælɔɪ] |
blend [blɛnd] |
hybrid ['haɪbrəd] |
interfere [ɪnə'fɪə(r)] |
interference [ɪntə'fɪərəns] |
intermingle [ɪntər'mɪŋgl] |
intermix [ɪntər'mɪks] |
meddle ['mɛdl] |
medley ['mɛdlɪ] |
mingle ['mɪŋgl] |
miscellany ['mɪsɪleɪnɪ] |
mix [mɪks] |
mixture ['mɪksʧə(r)] |
promiscuous ['prəumɪskwəs] |
stir [stə:(r)] |
to sling mud at sb | |
mixed feelings [mɪkst 'fi:lɪŋz] |
mix up [mɪks ʌp] |
mixture ['mɪksʧə(r)] |
mix [mɪks] |
mix [mɪks] |
blend [blɛnd] |
stirring ['stə:ɪŋ] |
jumble ['ʤʌmbl] |
stir [stə:(r)] |
stir [stə:(r)] |
tossed salad [tɔst 'sæləd] |
I'm stirring the milk | |
I'm stirring the vegetables | |
blend [blɛnd] |
mix [mɪks] |
stir [stə:(r)] |
stirre | |
assorted [ə'sɔ:tɪd] |
assorted video games | |
mix/blend | |
make sb feel small [meɪk 'sʌmbədɪ fi:l smɔ:l] |
hybrid ['haɪbrəd] |
to blend/to mix [tu blɛnd tu mɪks] |
assorted [ə'sɔ:tɪd] |
combine ['kɔmbaɪn] |
to stir sth [tu stə:(r) 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
mix [mɪks] |
interfere [ɪntər'fɪr] |
to stir [tu stə:(r)] |
mix with [mɪks wɪð] |
mix / stir [mɪks stə:(r)] |
compound ['kɔmpaund] |
mix cement [mɪks sə'mɛnt] |
vaporized fuel ['veɪpəraɪzd 'fjuəl] |
half-breed [hɑ:f bri:d] |
blend mix [blɛnd mɪks] |
mixed [mɪkst] |
blend [blɛnd] |
stir [stə:(r)] |
sitr | |
stir soup [stə:(r) su:p] |
polyol blend [polyol blɛnd] |
blend with [blɛnd wɪð] |
blended learning ['blɛndəd 'lə:nɪŋ] |
mongrel [mongrel] |
to mix prints [tu mɪks prɪnts] |
to stir sth into sth [tu stə:(r) 'sʌmθɪŋ 'ɪntu 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
cacophony [kæ'kɔfənɪ] |
mixed reactions [mɪkst rɪ'ækʃənz] |
hot plate stirrer [hɔt pleɪt stirrer] |
stirrer [stirrer] |
TO CONFUSE STH WITH STH [tu kən'fju:z 'sʌmθɪŋ wɪð 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
stir [stə:(r)] |
shake shook shaken [ʃeɪk ʃuk 'ʃeɪkən] |
merge [mə:ʤ] |
Premix [Premix] |
Diffused [dɪ'fju:zd] |
mix [mɪks] |
concrete mix [kən'kri:t mɪks] |
fix [fɪks] |
Stir the sauce until smooth. [stə:(r) ðə sɔ:s ən'tɪl smu:ð] |
to mix [tu mɪks] |
pick and mix [pɪk ænd mɪks] |
bouquet garni [bu'keɪ garni] |
mixed results [mɪkst rɪ'zʌlts] |
mix [mɪks] |
mixed [mɪkst] |
compound ['kɔmpaund] |
stir [stə:(r)] |
mutt [mʌt] |
homogeneous mixture [həumə'ʤi:nɪəs 'mɪksʧə(r)] |
heterogeneous mixture [hɛtərə'ʤi:njus 'mɪksʧə(r)] |
mixture ['mɪksʧə(r)] |
mixed salad [mɪkst 'sæləd] |
Compound (n.): A substance made from two or more elements or parts (The scientist mixed several chemicals to form a new compound.) ['kɔmpaund ɛn ə 'sʌbstəns meɪd frɔm tju: ɔ:(r) mɔ:(r) 'ɛləmənts ɔ:(r) pɑ:ts ðə 'saɪəntɪst mɪkst 'sɛvrl 'kɛmɪkəlz tu fɔ:m ə nju: 'kɔmpaund] |