Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
technical ['tɛknɪkl] |
technics ['tɛknɪks] |
technique [tɛk'ni:k] |
techno ['tɛknə] |
technology [tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
technical college | |
technical aids ['tɛknɪkl eɪdz] |
technical devices | |
technigue of vaccination | |
technical equipment | |
technician [tek'nɪʃən] |
technology [tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
technophobe [tekne,foub] |
technophile | |
technical specifications ['tɛknɪkl spɛsɪfə'keɪʃənz] |
technical ['tɛknɪkl] |
technical college ['tɛknɪkl 'kɔlɪʤ] |
technical university | |
techy ['tɛʧɪ] |
Technology-based Audit Techniques | |
technical secondary school ['tɛknɪkl 'sɛkəndɛrɪ sku:l] |
technics ['tɛknɪks] |
technical skills ['tɛknɪkl skɪlz] |
technical university | |
technically ['tɛknɪkəlɪ] |
techie ['tɛkɪ] |
technologist [tɛk'nɔləʤɪst] |
Technology is advancing very quickly [tek'nɔləʤɪ ɪz əd'vænsɪŋ 'vɛrɪ 'kwɪklɪ] |
technophobia | |
technological [tɛknə'lɔʤɪkl] |
technicznie sprawne wyposażenie | |
techniques [tek'ni:ks] |
technical first | |
technological advances [tɛknə'lɔʤɪkl əd'vænsɪz] |
technical school | |
technical collage | |
Technical College | |
techno-nerd ['tɛknə nə:d] |
Technology is advancing very quickly [tek'nɔləʤɪ ɪz əd'vænsɪŋ 'vɛrɪ 'kwɪklɪ] |
technological progress [tɛknə'lɔʤɪkl 'prɔgrɛs] |
technician [tek'nɪʃən] |
technical ['tɛknɪkl] |
technical counseling ['tɛknɪkl 'kaunsɪlɪŋ] |
Technical Support ['tɛknɪkl sə'pɔ:t] |
technician [tek'nɪʃən] |
technologically enabled [tɛknə'lɔʤɪkəlɪ e'neɪbəld] |
techie ['tɛkɪ] |
technological innovation [tɛknə'lɔʤɪkl ɪnə'veɪʃən] |
technically advanced ['tɛknɪkəlɪ əd'vɑ:nst] |
tech-savvy [tɛk 'sævɪ] |
Technical Documentation ['tɛknɪkl dɔkjumen'teɪʃən] |
technical limitations ['tɛknɪkl lɪmɪ'teɪʃənz] |
technological improvement [tɛknə'lɔʤɪkl ɪm'pru:vmənt] |
technical term ['tɛknɪkl tə:m] |
technical issue ['tɛknɪkl 'ɪʃu:] |
technical support ['tɛknɪkl sə'pɔ:t] |
techno ['tɛknə] |
tech-savvy [tɛk 'sævɪ] |
technical support, tech support ['tɛknɪkl sə'pɔ:t tɛk sə'pɔ:t] |
technology-oriented [tek'nɔləʤɪ 'ɔ:ɪɛntəd] |
technique [tɛk'ni:k] |
technical problems ['tɛknɪkl 'prɔbləmz] |
techy topic ['tɛʧɪ 'tɔpɪk] |
technique [tɛk'ni:k] |
technical sales advisor ['tɛknɪkl seɪlz əd'vaɪzə(r)] |
technical condition ['tɛknɪkl kən'dɪʃən] |
technical consultancy ['tɛknɪkl kən'sʌltənsɪ] |
technician [tek'nɪʃən] |
technically feasible ['tɛknɪkəlɪ 'fi:zəbl] |
tech [tɛk] |
tech' college [tech\' 'kɔlɪʤ] |
technical translator ['tɛknɪkl træn'sleɪtə(r)] |
Technological lines, which ensure high quality and repeatability at each stage of the manufacturing process. [tɛknə'lɔʤɪkl laɪnz wɪʧ e'nʃur haɪ 'kwɔlɪtɪ ænd repeatability æt i:ʧ steɪʤ ɔv ðə mænju'fækʧərɪŋ 'prɔsɛs] |
techniques workshop [tek'ni:ks 'wə:kʃɑp] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
technical ['tɛknɪkl] |
technics ['tɛknɪks] |
technique [tɛk'ni:k] |
techno ['tɛknə] |
technology [tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
relaxion techniques | |
radiology technician | |
technigue of vaccination | |
technician [tek'nɪʃən] |
technology [tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
information technology [ɪnfər'meɪʃən tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
Information&Comunications&Technology | |
sound engineer [saund ɛnʤɪ'nɪə(r)] |
relaxation techniques | |
breathing techniques | |
technical college ['tɛknɪkl 'kɔlɪʤ] |
engineering school | |
management techniques | |
information technology [ɪnfər'meɪʃən tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
Technology-based Audit Techniques | |
Computer Assisted Audit Techniques CAAT | |
production technican | |
technical secondary school ['tɛknɪkl 'sɛkəndɛrɪ sku:l] |
computing technology [kəm'pju:tɪŋ tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
technics ['tɛknɪks] |
supervisors [su:pər'vaɪzərz] |
broadband technology ['brɔ:dbænd tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
wireless technology ['waɪrlɪs tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
technologist [tɛk'nɔləʤɪst] |
Technology is advancing very quickly [tek'nɔləʤɪ ɪz əd'vænsɪŋ 'vɛrɪ 'kwɪklɪ] |
technophobia | |
technological [tɛknə'lɔʤɪkl] |
technicznie sprawne wyposażenie | |
laser technology ['leɪzə(r) tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
These techniques require everyone in a company to learn how to think and work differently. [ði:z tek'ni:ks ri:k'waɪə(r) 'ɛvrɪwʌn ɪn ə 'kʌmpənɪ tu lə:n hau tu θɪŋk ænd wə:k 'dɪfrəntlɪ] |
technological advances [tɛknə'lɔʤɪkl əd'vænsɪz] |
the technique we chose | |
medical technician | |
computer technician [kəm'pju:tə(r) tek'nɪʃən] |
DNA sequencing techniques [DNA 'si:kwənsɪŋ tek'ni:ks] |
computer technology [kəm'pju:tə(r) tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
marketing techniques ['mɑ:kətɪŋ tek'ni:ks] |
Food Technology [fu:d tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
information technology (IT) [ɪnfər'meɪʃən tek'nɔləʤɪ ɪt] |
Technology is advancing very quickly [tek'nɔləʤɪ ɪz əd'vænsɪŋ 'vɛrɪ 'kwɪklɪ] |
Tc [Tc] |
lab technician [læb tek'nɪʃən] |
selling techniques ['sɛlɪŋ tek'ni:ks] |
technician [tek'nɪʃən] |
technical ['tɛknɪkl] |
diamond technical ['daɪəmənd 'tɛknɪkl] |
high-tech [haɪ tɛk] |
high-tech device [haɪ tɛk dɪ'vaɪs] |
Food Technology [fu:d tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
low-ball technique [ləu bɔ:l tɛk'ni:k] |
technician [tek'nɪʃən] |
self-report technique [sɛlf rɪ'pɔ:t tɛk'ni:k] |
fibre optics ['faɪbə(r) 'ɔptɪks] |
stress management techniques [strɛs 'mænəʤmənt tek'ni:ks] |
flight engineer [flaɪt ɛnʤɪ'nɪə(r)] |
technically advanced ['tɛknɪkəlɪ əd'vɑ:nst] |
aerospace engineering ['ɛrəspeɪs 'ɛnʤɪnɪərɪŋ] |
tech-savvy [tɛk 'sævɪ] |
Graphic Techniques ['græfɪk tek'ni:ks] |
memory aid ['mɛmərɪ eɪd] |
design and technology [dɪ'zaɪn ænd tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
collaborative filtering [kə'læbəreɪtɪv 'fɪltərɪŋ] |
technical issue ['tɛknɪkl 'ɪʃu:] |
techno ['tɛknə] |
everyday technology ['ɛvrɪdeɪ tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
technique [tɛk'ni:k] |
technique [tɛk'ni:k] |
manufacturing technician [mænju'fækʧərɪŋ tek'nɪʃən] |
IT/Information technology [ɪt ɪnfər'meɪʃən tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
relaxation techniques [ri:læk'seɪʃən tek'ni:ks] |
satellite technology ['sætəlaɪt tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
investment evaluation technique [ɪn'vɛstmənt ɪvælju'eɪʃən tɛk'ni:k] |
ICT /Information and Communications Technology/ [ICT ɪnfər'meɪʃən ænd kəmju:nə'keɪʃənz tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
headsets ['hɛdsɛts] |
sound technician [saund tek'nɪʃən] |
technician [tek'nɪʃən] |
fiber optics ['faɪbə(r) 'ɔptɪks] |
cooking technique ['kukɪŋ tɛk'ni:k] |
technically feasible ['tɛknɪkəlɪ 'fi:zəbl] |
tech [tɛk] |
this technique appeals to basic human instincts [ðɪs tɛk'ni:k ə'pi:lz tu 'beɪsɪk 'hju:mən 'ɪnstɪŋkts] |
die Lerntechnik en [daɪ Lerntechnik ɛn] |