Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
after- the- outbreak- of- flu- last- week. | |
That all started with a big bang | |
the big bang theory [ðə bɪg bæŋ 'θɪrɪ] |
What were you doing at the time of explosion? | |
shock [ʃɔk] |
Nobody knew the cause of the explosion ['nəubɑdi: nju: ðə kɔz ɔv ðə ɪks'pləuʒən] |
restore status quo /ante bellum/ [rɪ'stɔ:(r) 'stætəs kwəu 'æntɪ bellum] |
who is to blame for the outbreak of war [hu: ɪz tu bleɪm fɔ:(r) ðə 'autbreɪk ɔv wɔ:(r)] |