Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
spice [spaɪs] |
spiced [spaɪst] |
spick | |
spicy ['spaɪsɪ] |
spider ['spaɪdə(r)] |
spiderweb | |
spike [spaɪk] |
spill [spɪl spɪlt spɪlt] |
spin [spɪn] |
spinach ['spɪnəʧ] |
spinal ['spaɪnl] |
spindlle | |
spindrier | |
spine/backbone [spaɪn 'bækbəun] |
spinster ['spɪnstə(r)] |
spiral ['spaɪrl] |
spire [spaɪə(r)] |
spirit ['spɪrɪt] |
spirited ['spɪrətəd] |
spirits ['spɪrəts] |
spiritual ['spɪrɪtjuəl] |
spit [spɪt] |
spite [spaɪt] |
spiteful ['spaɪtfəl] |
spin spun spun [spɪn spʌn spʌn] |
spiky hair ['spaɪkɪ hɛə(r)] |
spinnin | |
sping onion | |
spiteful ['spaɪtfəl] |
spick and span | |
spinal cord ['spaɪnl kɔ:d] |
spitting image ['spɪtɪŋ 'ɪməʤ] |
spit spat spat [spɪt spæt spæt] |
spin [spɪn] |
spirit glass ['spɪrɪt glɑ:s] |
spit [spɪt] |
spike hair [spaɪk hɛə(r)] |
spin-drier [spɪn 'draɪə(r)] |
spill spilt spilt [spɪl spɪlt spɪlt] |
spite [spaɪt] |
spirit level ['spɪrɪt 'lɛvl] |
spilt up [spɪlt ʌp] |
spices ['spaɪsɪz] |
spiky ['spaɪkɪ] |
spill [spɪl] |
spiky ['spaɪkɪ] |
spiral design pottery | |
spiritual focus of one's life | |
spine-chilling [spaɪn 'ʧɪlɪŋ] |
spicies | |
spiral ['spaɪrl] |
spindle ['spɪndl] |
spiritality | |
spirituality [spɪrɪʧə'wælɪtɪ] |
spill [spɪl] |
spit [spɪt] |
spin around [spɪn ər'aund] |
spiralling ['spaɪrəlɪŋ] |
spite [spaɪt] |
spill the beans [spɪl ðə bi:nz] |
spicy ['spaɪsɪ] |
spinal column ['spaɪnl 'kɔləm] |
spinkler | |
spittle ['spɪtl] |
spin spun spun [spɪn spʌn spʌn] |
spit spat spat [spɪt spæt spæt] |
spill spilt spilt [spɪl spɪlt spɪlt] |
spiky- hair ['spaɪkɪ hɛə(r)] |
spine [spaɪn] |
spick and span | |
spin [spɪn] |
spitting image of ['spɪtɪŋ 'ɪməʤ ɔv] |
spiky hair ['spaɪkɪ hɛə(r)] |
spirit ['spɪrɪt] |
spit it out [spɪt ɪt aut] |
spill the beans [spɪl ðə bi:nz] |
spin-off [spɪn ɔf] |
spin drier | |
spice rack [spaɪs ræk] |
spirts of the dead | |
spindle ['spɪndl] |
Spill coffee | |
spite [spaɪt] |
spinach pancakes ['spɪnəʧ 'pænkeɪks] |
spicy food ['spaɪsɪ fu:d] |
spin [spɪn] |
spines [spaɪnz] |
spieces [spieces] |
spikes [spaɪks] |
spit [spɪt] |
spiting | |
spit [spɪt] |
spine [spaɪn] |
spin-off-products [spɪn ɔf 'prɔdəkts] |
spit [spɪt] |
spit [spɪt] |
spit, spat, spat | |
spit out [spɪt aut] |
spiel [spi:l] |
spinning ['spɪnɪŋ] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
announcer [ə'naunsə(r)] |
asleep [ə'sli:p] |
census ['sɛnsəs] |
conspiracy [kən'spɪrəsɪ] |
conspire [kən'spaɪə(r)] |
cufflink | |
hair clip [hɛə(r) klɪp] |
hurry up ['hʌrɪ] |
larder ['lɑ:də(r)] |
methulatedspirit | |
pantry ['pæntrɪ] |
sang [sæŋ] |
sing [sɪŋ] |
singer ['sɪŋə(r)] |
sleeping bag ['sli:pɪŋ bæg] |
sleepingbag | |
streetguide | |
stud [stʌd] |
sung [sʌŋ] |
tense [tɛns] |
vocabulary [və'kæbjulɛrɪ] |
sing sang sung [sɪŋ sæŋ sʌŋ] |
to draw up a proposal | |
to be in a hurry [tu bi: ɪn ə 'hʌrɪ] |
dash [dæʃ] |
make heste slowly | |
to hurry up [tu 'hʌrɪ ʌp] |
a slugabed | |
pointed chin ['pɔɪntɪd ʧɪn] |
write up [raɪt ʌp] |
radio announcer ['reɪdɪəu ə'naunsə(r)] |
singing ['sɪŋɪŋ] |
table of contents ['teɪbl ɔv 'kɔntents] |
rush [rʌʃ] |
pointed nose ['pɔɪntɪd nəuz] |
granary [granary] |
uptight [əp'taɪt] |
coma ['kəumə] |
get a move on [gɛt ə mu:v ɔn] |
be in a hurry [bi: ɪn ə 'hʌrɪ] |
sing a song [sɪŋ ə sɔŋ] |
paperclip [paperclip] |
haggle about ['hægl ə'baut] |
write off [raɪt ɔf] |
table of contents | |
plot [plɔt] |
sing songs | |
cuff-link [kʌf lɪŋk] |
be on the blink [bi: ɔn ðə blɪŋk] |
tie pin | |
sing carols | |
a sleeping bag | |
drausy | |
table of context | |
paper clip ['peɪpə(r) klɪp] |
hymn book | |
sleeper ['sli:pə(r)] |
spiral ['spaɪrl] |
chapped [chapped] |
broadcaster ['brɔ:dkæstə(r)] |
copy homework ['kɔpɪ 'həumwə:k] |
argue with sb about sth ['ɑ:gju: wɪð 'sʌmbədɪ ə'baut 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
cash it | |
to fasten sth together with a paper clip | |
screw up [skru: ʌp] |
pointed ['pɔɪntɪd] |
bugger off ['bʌgə(r) ɔf] |
sing sang [sɪŋ sæŋ] |
song-book | |
romper suit [romper sju:t] |
to write views on | |
He- sings- in- the- University- choir. | |
tense [tɛns] |
sleep well [sli:p wɛl] |
helix ['hi:lɪks] |
plot [plɔt] |
be in a rush [bi: ɪn ə rʌʃ] |
diabetic coma | |
seing | |
braced [breɪst] |
chant [ʧɑ:nt] |
directory [dɪ'rɛktərɪ] |
i'm in a hurry [aɪm ɪn ə 'hʌrɪ] |
sing/sang | |
sing to | |
announcer [ə'naunsə(r)] |
hurry ['hʌrɪ] |
clip [klɪp] |
sung [sʌŋ] |
sing [sɪŋ] |
sang [sæŋ] |
sung [sʌŋ] |
fuck off [fʌk ɔf] |
lethargy ['lɛθərʤɪ] |
sozzled [sozzled] |
forth [fɔ:θ] |
The longest way round is the shortest way home. | |
stud [stʌd] |
to plot [tu plɔt] |
sing sang sung [sɪŋ sæŋ sʌŋ] |