Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
wounded in action, WIA ['waundɪd ɪn 'ækʃən WIA] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
attainments [attainments] |
belief [bɪ'li:f] |
blew [blu:] |
blow blew blown [bləu blu: bləun] |
bucket ['bʌkɪt] |
credible ['krɛdɪbl] |
credit ['krɛdɪt] |
elm [ɛlm] |
faith [feɪθ] |
pail [peɪl] |
perfidious | |
perfidy ['pə:fɪdɪ] |
stoppress | |
tidings ['taɪdɪŋz] |
tie [taɪ] |
truss [trʌs] |
wind [wɪnd] |
windmill ['wɪndmɪl] |
wisp [wɪsp] |
bind bound bound [baɪnd baund baund] |
blow blew blown [bləu blu: bləun] |
news item [nju:z 'aɪtəm] |
message ['mɛsɪʤ] |
binding ['baɪndɪŋ] |
make ends meet [meɪk ɛndz mi:t] |
news [nju:z] |
text message [tɛkst 'mɛsɪʤ] |
sheaf [ʃi:f] |
believable [bə'li:vəbl] |
credibility [krɛdɪ'bɪlɪtɪ] |
the wind was blowing | |
carport ['kɑ:pɔ:t] |
flyover [flyover] |
the news [ðə nju:z] |
the news wasn't good | |
the covalent bond | |
the hydrogen bond | |
wind mill [waɪnd mɪl] |
It's know that.. [ɪts nəu ðæt] |
self-belief [sɛlf bɪ'li:f] |
tied [taɪd] |
creditworthiness ['krɛdɪtwəðɪnəs] |
beam [bi:m] |
bind bound bound | |
tie [taɪ] |
business news | |
up-to-the minute news bulletins | |
sports news [spɔ:ts nju:z] |
international news [ɪntər'næʃənl nju:z] |
home news [həum nju:z] |
text message [tɛkst 'mɛsɪʤ] |
the local news | |
the sports news | |
the travel news | |
the world news [ðə wə:ld nju:z] |
e-mail message [i: meɪl 'mɛsɪʤ] |
be binding [bi: 'baɪndɪŋ] |
newsflash [newsflash] |
blow blew blown [bləu blu: bləun] |
viaduct ['vaɪədəkt] |
bus shelter [bʌs 'ʃɛltə(r)] |
reliable source | |
bind [baɪnd] |
involve [ɪn'vɔlv] |
hopefulness ['həupfəlnɪs] |
to make ends meet [tu meɪk ɛndz mi:t] |
bound [baund] |
wind blew off the roofs | |
fan [fæn] |
believing [bɪ'li:vɪŋ] |
blow [bləu] |
garlands [garlands] |
vascular boundle | |
messages on the fridge | |
blow blew blown [bləu blu: bləun] |
blew [blu:] |
blow [bləu] |
we watch the news on television [wi: wɔʧ ðə nju:z ɔn 'tɛlɪvɪʒən] |
tie a tie [taɪ ə taɪ] |
note [nəut] |
street cred | |
digital message | |
binding representation ['baɪndɪŋ rɛprɪzɛn'teɪʃən] |
offshore wind ['ɔ:fʃɔ:(r) waɪnd] |
bind [baɪnd] |
bind [baɪnd] |
knit, knit, knit | |
connect with | |
blow blew blown | |
The wind is picking up. | |
reliable [rɪ'laɪəbl] |
news programme [nju:z 'prəugræm] |
reliable [rɪ'laɪəbl] |
news spread quickly | |
message | |
faith in [feɪθ ɪn] |
bond [bɔnd] |
polar covalent bond | |
ionic bond | |
weather vane ['wɛðə(r) veɪn] |