Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
according to people we spoke to [ə'kɔ:dɪŋ tu 'pi:pl wi: spəuk tu] |
I'm fortunate that I have friends to study with. | |
the problems not dealt with [ðə 'prɔbləmz nɔt dɛlt wɪð] |
personalized sales pitch ['pə:sɪnəlaɪzd seɪlz pɪʧ] |
areas to improve upon ['ɛrɪəz tu ɪm'pru:v ə'pɔn] |
Friends who you get on with quite well [frɛndz hu: ju: gɛt ɔn wɪð kwaɪt wɛl] |
I will go to the bank to withdraw money to pay for my holidays. [aɪ wɪl gəu tu ðə bæŋk tu wɪ'ðdrɔ: 'mʌnɪ tu peɪ fɔ:(r) maɪ 'hɔlədeɪz] |
Bill is on good terms with the people he works with [bɪl ɪz ɔn gud tə:mz wɪð ðə 'pi:pl hi: wə:ks wɪð] |
the problems not dealt with [ðə 'prɔbləmz nɔt dɛlt wɪð] |
First things first, let's prioritise the problems we have to deal with [fə:st θɪŋz fə:st lɛts prioritise ðə 'prɔbləmz wi: hæv tu di:l wɪð] |
that I have handled well in the past [ðæt aɪ hæv 'hændəld wɛl ɪn ðə pɑ:st] |