| Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | Polskie tłumaczenie |
beaten ['bi:tn] |
bity, wydeptany, udeptany, bić (past participle) |
begun [bɪ'gʌn] |
zaczynać (past participle) |
bent [bɛnt] |
zginać (past participle) |
bitten ['bɪtn] |
gryźć (past participle) |
blown [bləun] |
dmuchać (past participle) |
brought [brɔ:t] |
przynosić (past participle) |
built [bɪlt] |
budować (past participle) |
bought [bɔt] |
kupować (past participle) |
been able [bɪ:n 'eɪbl] |
móc (past participle) |
dug [dʌg] |
kopać (past participle) |
forecast ['fɔ:kɑ:st] |
przewidywać (past participle) |
forgiven [fə'gɪvn] |
wybaczać (past participle) |
gotten ['gɔtn] |
dostawać (past participle) |
led [lɛd] |
prowadził, kierował (past participle) |
had to [hæd tu] |
musiał (past participle- must) |
take participle in a lesson |
take participle in a less |
put [put] |
kłaść, położyć, wsadzić (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
taken ['teɪkən] |
brać (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
met [mɛt] |
spotkać (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
found [faund] |
znaleźć (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
sent [sɛnt] |
wysyłać (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
flown [fləun] |
latać (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
fought [fɔ:t] |
walczyć (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
read [ri:d] |
czytać - 3 forma, Past Participle |
run [rʌn] |
biec (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
lost [lɔst] |
gubić (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
sold [səuld] |
sprzedawać, sprzedać (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
kept [kɛpt] |
trzymać, zachować (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
woken up |
budzić się, obudzić się (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
eaten ['i:tn] |
jeść (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
had [hæd] |
mieć (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
driven ['drɪvn] |
kierować (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
slept [slɛpt] |
spać (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
broken ['brəukn] |
tłuc, łamać (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
told [təuld] |
opowiadać (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
sat [sæt] |
siadać (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
thrown [θrəun] |
rzucać, rzucić (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
lain [leɪn] |
leżeć - 3 forma, Past Participle |
caught [kɔ:t] |
łapać, złapać, chwycić, złowić (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
swum [swʌm] |
pływać (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
written ['rɪtn] |
pisać (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
spoken ['spəukn] |
mówić (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
thought [θɔ:t] |
myśleć (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
learnt [lə:nt] |
uczyć się - 3 forma, Past Participle |
given ['gɪvn] |
dawać (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
let [lɛt] |
pozwolić (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
known [nəun] |
wiedzieć (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
sung [sʌŋ] |
śpiewać (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
bought [bɔt] |
kupować (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
paid [peɪd] |
płacić (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
cut [kʌt] |
ciąć (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
come [kʌm] |
przychodzić (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
mistaken [mɪs'teɪkən] |
pomylić (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
rung [rʌŋ] |
dzwonić (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
begun [bɪ'gʌn] |
zaczynać (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
brought [brɔ:t] |
przynosić (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
risen ['rɪzn] |
rosnąć (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
fallen ['fɔ:lən] |
upaść, spadać (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
gone [gɔn] |
iść, chodzić - 3 forma, Past Participle |
seen [si:n] |
widzieć (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
felt [fɛlt] |
czuć (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
ridden ['rɪdn] |
jeździć (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
chosen ['ʧəuzn] |
wybierać (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
got [gɔt] |
dostać (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
made [meɪd] |
robić (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
come [kʌm] |
przyjeżdżać, przychodzić +the past participle |
taught [tɔ:t] |
uczył ,nauczał (past participle) |
left [lɛft] |
opuścić ,zostawić (past participle) |
heard [hə:d] |
usłyszeć (past participle) |
meant [mɛnt] |
znaczyć (past participle) |
smelt [smɛlt] |
wąchać (past participle) |
done [dʌn] |
robić (3 forma, Past Participle) |
drunk [drʌŋk] |
pic - 3 forma, Past Participle |
eaten ['i:tn] |
zjadł (3 forma, Past Participle) |
had [hæd] |
miał (3 forma Past Participle) |
been [bɪ:n] |
był (3 forma, Past Participle) |
given ['gɪvn] |
dał - 3 forma, Past Participle |
showed [ʃəud] |
pokazał - 3 forma, Past Participle |
taken ['teɪkən] |
zabrał, wziął (3 forma, Past Participle) |
swum [swʌm] |
pływał (swim 3 - forma, Past Participle) |
fallen ['fɔ:lən] |
upadł, przewrócił się (fall 3 - forma, Past Participle) |
broken ['brəukn] |
rozbity, złamany, rozbił, złamał, stłuczony tłuc, łamać (break 3 - forma, Past Participle) |
robber ['rɔbə(r)] |
złodziej, rabuś (rob 3 - forma, Past Participle) |
caught [kɔ:t] |
złapał, złapany (catch, 3 - forma, Past Participle) |
eaten ['i:tn] |
zjadł, zjedli (eat 3 - forma, Past Participle) |
woken up ['wəukən ʌp] |
zbudzony, obudzony(wake 3 - forma, Past Participle) |
left [lɛft] |
opuścił (leave 3 - forma, Past Participle) |
had [hæd] |
miał (have - 3 forma Past Participle) |
bled [blɛd] |
krwawić (past participle) |
bled [blɛd] |
krwawić (3 forma. Past Participle) |
bred [brɛd] |
wyhodować (3 forma, Past Participle) |
clung [klʌŋ] |
lgnąć, przyczepić się (3 forma Past Participle) |
dealt [dɛlt] |
handlować (3 forma, Past Participle) |
brought [brɔ:t] |
bring (3 - forma, Past Participle) |
become [bɪ'kʌm] |
stać się, zostać (Past Participle) |
been [bɪ:n] |
być (Past Participle) |
played [pleɪd] |
grał (past participle, present perfect) |
visited ['vɪzətəd] |
odwiedzał (past participle, present perfect) |
I should have [aɪ ʃud hæv] |
Powinienem (był) past participle |
arisen [ə'rɪzn] |
past participle of arise |