Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
type [taɪp] |
typescript | |
typewrite | |
typewriter ['taɪpraɪtə(r)] |
typhoid ['taɪfɔɪd] |
typhoon [taɪ'fu:n] |
typhus ['taɪfəs] |
typical ['tɪpəkl] |
typify ['tɪpəfaɪ] |
typist ['taɪpɪst] |
typography [tə'pɔgrəfɪ] |
typically ['tɪpɪklɪ] |
typhoid ['taɪfɔɪd] |
types of schools | |
type [taɪp] |
typing ['taɪpɪŋ] |
types of book | |
types of mail and armour | |
types of arch | |
typist ['taɪpɪst] |
typical of ['tɪpəkl ɔv] |
types of house and flats [taɪps ɔv haus ænd flæts] |
typically ['tɪpɪklɪ] |
typewriten typewrote typewritten | |
typhoid fever ['taɪfɔɪd 'fi:və(r)] |
typicall | |
types of people | |
TYPICAL adjective | |
type of job | |
typical souvenirs | |
typically ['tɪpɪklɪ] |
typo ['taɪpə] |
typical course | |
type of financing [taɪp ɔv fə'nænsɪŋ] |
types of restaurants | |
typeface ['taɪpfeɪs] |
types of houses [taɪps ɔv 'hausɪz] |
type a letter [taɪp ə 'lɛtə(r)] |
type in your password [taɪp ɪn jɔ:(r) 'pɑ:swə:d] |
type of battery [taɪp ɔv 'bætərɪ] |
type [taɪp] |
type your message [taɪp jɔ:(r) 'mɛsɪʤ] |
typecast ['taɪpkæst] |
types of joints [taɪps ɔv ʤɔɪnts] |
type [taɪp] |
typed [taɪpt] |
typical ['tɪpəkl] |
type letters [taɪp 'lɛtərz] |
type sth in [taɪp 'sʌmθɪŋ ɪn] |
typical of ['tɪpəkl ɔv] |
types and parts of houses [taɪps ænd pɑ:ts ɔv 'hausɪz] |
type declaration statement [taɪp dɛklə'reɪʃən 'steɪtmənt] |
type [taɪp] |
types of failure [taɪps ɔv 'feɪljə(r)] |
type [taɪp] |
type in [taɪp ɪn] |
typical fan ['tɪpəkl fæn] |
type [taɪp] |
typing ['taɪpɪŋ] |
types of music [taɪps ɔv 'mju:zɪk] |
types of films [taɪps ɔv fɪlmz] |
type [taɪp] |
type [taɪp] |
types of music [taɪps ɔv 'mju:zɪk] |
types of music [taɪps ɔv 'mju:zɪk] |
type [taɪp] |
type approval certification [taɪp ə'pru:vəl sətəfə'keɪʃən] |
type documents [taɪp 'dɔkjumənts] |
types of sport [taɪps ɔv spɔ:t] |
typical of ['tɪpəkl ɔv] |
type in a password [taɪp ɪn ə 'pɑ:swə:d] |
typical of ['tɪpəkl ɔv] |
type [taɪp] |
typical ['tɪpəkl] |
type [taɪp] |
types of instruments [taɪps ɔv 'ɪnstrəmənts] |
type your name [taɪp jɔ:(r) neɪm] |
type of parcel [taɪp ɔv 'pɑ:sl] |
type [taɪp] |
typist ['taɪpɪst] |
type a note [taɪp ə nəut] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
type [taɪp] |
typical ['tɪpəkl] |
typography [tə'pɔgrəfɪ] |
typically ['tɪpɪklɪ] |
run of the mill | |
types of schools | |
mould [məuld] |
sort of person [sɔ:t ɔv 'pə:sɪn] |
types of mail and armour | |
trial design | |
coleslaw ['kəulslɑ] |
typical of ['tɪpəkl ɔv] |
types of house and flats [taɪps ɔv haus ænd flæts] |
be as American as apple pie | |
a typical day | |
typicall | |
tipically | |
TYPICAL adjective | |
personality type [pəsɪ'nælɪtɪ taɪp] |
typical souvenirs | |
party type | |
career type | |
types of restaurants | |
personality types | |
typeface ['taɪpfeɪs] |
types of houses [taɪps ɔv 'hausɪz] |
operator type stand on ['ɔpəreɪtə(r) taɪp stænd ɔn] |
type [taɪp] |
typical ['tɪpəkl] |
typical of ['tɪpəkl ɔv] |
conventional career path [kən'vɛnʃənl kə'rɪə(r) pɑ:θ] |
herringbone parlour [herringbone 'pɑ:lə(r)] |
type [taɪp] |
typical fan ['tɪpəkl fæn] |
types of films [taɪps ɔv fɪlmz] |
behind scene kind of guy [bɪ'haɪnd si:n kaɪnd ɔv gaɪ] |
standard questions ['stændərd 'kwɛsʧənz] |
skin type [skɪn taɪp] |
soil types [sɔɪl taɪps] |
tip [tɪp] |
type [taɪp] |
furnace type ['fə:nɪs taɪp] |
Checker's type [Checker's taɪp] |
typical of ['tɪpəkl ɔv] |
audience division ['ɔdɪəns dɪ'vɪʒən] |
typical ['tɪpəkl] |
wing sweep types [wɪŋ swi:p taɪps] |
banner ads ['bænə(r) ædz] |