Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
swallow ['swɔləu] |
swam [swæm] |
swamp [swɔmp] |
swan [swɔn] |
swarm [swɔ:m] |
swarthy ['swɔ:ðɪ] |
sway [sweɪ] |
swear [swɛə(r)] |
swearing ['swɛrɪŋ] |
sweat [swɛt] |
sweater ['swɛtə(r)] |
swede [swi:d] |
swedish ['swi:dɪʃ] |
sweep swept swept [swi:p] |
sweeper ['swi:pə(r)] |
sweeping ['swi:pɪŋ] |
sweet [swi:t] |
sweet-smelling [swi:t 'smɛlɪŋ] |
sweeten ['swi:tn] |
sweetheart ['swi:thɑrt] |
sweetmeats | |
sweetshop [sweetshop] |
swell [swɛl] |
swerve [swə:v] |
swim [swɪm] |
swimmer ['swɪmə(r)] |
swimming ['swɪmɪŋ] |
swimming pool ['swɪmɪŋ pu:l] |
swimming trunks ['swɪmɪŋ trʌŋks] |
swimmingpool | |
swimmingtrunks | |
swimsuit ['swɪmsu:t] |
swindle ['swɪndl] |
swindler ['swɪndələ(r)] |
swine [swaɪn] |
swing [swɪŋ] |
swirl [swə:l] |
Swiss [swɪs] |
switch [swɪʧ] |
switch off [swɪʧ ɔf] |
switch on [swɪʧ ɔn] |
switchboard ['swɪʧbɔ:rd] |
Switzerland ['swɪtsələnd] |
swoon [swu:n] |
sword [sɔ:d] |
swordsman [swordsman] |
swore [swɔ:(r)] |
sworn [swɔ:n] |
swum [swʌm] |
swear swore sworn [swɛə(r) swɔ:(r) swɔ:n] |
sweep swept swept [swi:p swɛpt swɛpt] |
swim swam swum [swɪm swæm swʌm] |
swallow ['swɔləu] |
swanky ['swɔŋkɪ] |
swing swung swung [swɪŋ swʌŋ swʌŋ] |
switch to [swɪʧ tu] |
sweatshirt ['swɛʧət] |
swift [swɪft] |
swirling ['swə:lɪŋ] |
swollen ['swəulən] |
sweets [swi:ts] |
swot [swot] |
swollen ['swəulən] |
swollen tonsils ['swəulən 'tɔnsɪlz] |
swivel chair ['swɪvəl ʧɛə(r)] |
swell [swɛl] |
sweet chest-nut | |
sweetness ['swi:tnɪs] |
sweetness of perfume | |
swagger ['swægə(r)] |
swish [swɪʃ] |
swap [swɔp] |
sweep the floor [swi:p ðə flɔ:(r)] |
sweetcorn [sweetcorn] |
swollen ['swəulən] |
swap sth [swɔp 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
swear in | |
swimming cap ['swɪmɪŋ kæp] |
sweatband [sweatband] |
swelling ['swɛlɪŋ] |
Swiss-cheese memory | |
sweet [swi:t] |
swimming costume ['swɪmɪŋ kɑs'tu:m] |
sworn deposition | |
swimming suit ['swɪmɪŋ sju:t] |
Sweden ['swi:dn] |
swell swelled swollen [swɛl swɛld 'swəulən] |
sweet [swi:t] |
sweet [swi:t] |
swettering | |
sweat-shirt [swɛt ʃə:t] |
sweat [swɛt] |
swampy ['swɔmpɪ] |
sweet tooth [swi:t tu:θ] |
SWIRLING ['swə:lɪŋ] |
sweat [swɛt] |
swerve from | |
swimming pool complex | |
swabs [swɔbz] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
attest [ə'tɛst] |
aware [ə'wɛə(r)] |
awareness [ə'wɛənɪs] |
candle ['kændl] |
celebrate ['sɛləbreɪt] |
celebration [sɛlə'breɪʃən] |
certificate [sə'tɪfɪkɪt] |
Christmas ['krɪsməs] |
clubroom | |
conscious ['kɔnʃəs] |
consciousness ['kɔnʃəsnəs] |
dawn [dɔ:n] |
daybreak ['deɪbreɪk] |
daylight ['deɪlaɪt] |
festival ['fɛstɪvəl] |
festivity [fes'tɪvɪtɪ] |
fresh [frɛʃ] |
glow [gləu] |
great [greɪt] |
guinea pig ['gɪnɪ pɪg] |
holy ['həulɪ] |
itch [ɪʧ] |
jersey ['ʤə:zɪ] |
light [laɪt] |
limelight ['laɪmlaɪt] |
luminous ['lju:mənəs] |
matchmaker ['mæʧmeɪkə(r)] |
mayday ['meɪdeɪ] |
moonshine ['mju:nʃaɪn] |
mumps [mʌmps] |
newcomer ['nju:kmə(r)] |
newly ['nju:lɪ] |
pig [pɪg] |
piggish | |
saint [seɪnt] |
secular ['sɛkjulə(r)] |
shine [ʃaɪn ʃəun ʃəun] |
shone [ʃəun] |
shrine [ʃraɪn] |
sidelight [sidelight] |
spotlight ['spɔtlaɪt] |
sunshine ['sʌnʃaɪn] |
sweater ['swɛtə(r)] |
swine [swaɪn] |
taper ['teɪpə(r)] |
testify ['tɛstəfaɪ] |
underworld ['ʌndərwəld] |
wanton ['wɔ:ntn] |
whizz [wɪz] |
witness ['wɪtnəs] |
world [wə:ld] |
worldly ['wə:ldlɪ] |
worldwide ['wə:ldwaɪd] |
shine shone shone [ʃaɪn ʃəun ʃəun] |
world-class [wə:ld klɑ:s] |
market awarness | |
awareness [ə'wɛənɪs] |
fog light [fɔg laɪt] |
lon range light | |
spark plug [spɑ:k plʌg] |
warning lights ['wɔ:nɪŋ laɪts] |
antidazzle lights | |
dimmers ['dɪməz] |
informed [ɪn'fɔ:md] |
starlight ['stɑ:laɪt] |
at ease [æt i:z] |
world-wide [wə:ld waɪd] |
Chirping ['ʧə:pɪŋ] |
jumper ['ʤʌmpə(r)] |
were aware | |
conscience ['kɔnʃəns] |
Santa Claus ['sæntə klɔ:z] |
lights [laɪts] |
Christmas cracker ['krɪsməs 'krækə(r)] |
dote on [dəut ɔn] |
the bright lights [ðə braɪt laɪts] |
beacon ['bi:kən] |
the lights went down | |
whizz [wɪz] |
fringe benefits [frɪnʤ 'bɛnɪfɪts] |
cool [ku:l] |
holiness ['həulɪnəs] |
itching ['ɪʧɪŋ] |
freshly ['frɛʃlɪ] |
headlights ['hɛdlaɪts] |
Light travels 186000 miles per second. | |
itchy ['ɪʧɪ] |
freshly squeezed ['frɛʃlɪ skwi:zd] |
Well done [wɛl dʌn] |
common room ['kɔmən ru:m] |
whoosh [wuʃ] |
Right you are! [raɪt ju: ɑ:(r)] |
temple ['tɛmpl] |
screw bolt [skru: bəult] |
cordigan | |
zip up sweater [zɪp ʌp 'swɛtə(r)] |
a certificate | |
fine [faɪn] |
performance [pə'fɔ:məns] |
fashion-conscious ['fæʃən 'kɔnʃəs] |