Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
offhand ['ɔ:fhænd] |
prompt [prɔmpt] |
fast food [fɑ:st fu:d] |
hectic pace of city life ['hɛktɪk peɪs ɔv 'sɪtɪ laɪf] |
fast [fɑ:st] |
fast food [fɑ:st fu:d] |
a quick whizz round | |
speedy recovery | |
fast truck | |
zippy ['zɪpɪ] |
growth spurt | |
speed skating [spi:d 'skeɪtɪŋ] |
snapping jaws | |
fast lane on the motorway | |
a fast pace of life | |
speed dialling [spi:d dialling] |
busy ['bɪzɪ] |
faster reflexes | |
fast [fɑ:st] |
quick breathing | |
quick off the mark [kwɪk ɔf ðə mɑ:k] |
fast worker [fɑ:st 'wə:kə(r)] |
fast food / junk food [fɑ:st fu:d ʤʌŋk fu:d] |
fast, cheap and convenient | |
speed dial [spi:d 'daɪəl] |
the fast / the slow lane of a motorway [ðə fɑ:st ðə sləu leɪn ɔv ə 'məutəweɪ] |
The brisk walk brought a glow to her cheeks [ðə brɪsk wɔ:k brɔ:t ə gləu tu hə:(r) ʧi:ks] |
quick [kwɪk] |
rapid service | |
speed dialing [spi:d 'daɪəlɪŋ] |
fast/quick/speedy/swift | |
fast way to travel | |
rapid / swift | |
fast buck | |
rapid expansion ['ræpəd ɪk'spænʃən] |
rapid progress of technology ['ræpəd 'prɔgrɛs ɔv tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
speedy decision-making | |
Get well soon! [gɛt wɛl su:n] |
fast deal [fɑ:st di:l] |
quick look [kwɪk luk] |
as quick as a flash [æz kwɪk æz ə flæʃ] |
fast [fɑ:st] |
rapid ['ræpəd] |
rapid ['ræpəd] |
quick as a lightning [kwɪk æz ə 'laɪtnɪŋ] |
swift [swɪft] |
quick-acting [kwɪk 'æktɪŋ] |
a fast car [ə fɑ:st kɑ:(r)] |
rapid and profound change ['ræpəd ænd prə'faund ʧeɪnʤ] |
quickies [quickies] |
time efficient [taɪm ɪ'fɪʃənt] |
a quick hot meal [ə kwɪk hɔt mi:l] |
surge, soar, rocket [sə:ʤ sɔ:(r) 'rɔkɪt] |
plunge, plummet, go through the floor [plʌnʤ 'plʌmɪt gəu θru: ðə flɔ:(r)] |
hectic pace ['hɛktɪk peɪs] |
fast promotion [fɑ:st prə'məuʃən] |
fast faster the fastest [fɑ:st 'fæstə(r) ðə 'fæstɪst] |
quick quicker the quickest [kwɪk 'kwɪkə(r) ðə 'kwɪkɪst] |
fast pulse [fɑ:st pʌls] |
rapid boarding time ['ræpəd 'bɔ:dɪŋ taɪm] |
wireless broadband ['waɪrlɪs 'brɔ:dbænd] |
quick quicker the quickest [kwɪk 'kwɪkə(r) ðə 'kwɪkɪst] |
prompt [prɔmpt] |
I hope you get well soon. [aɪ həup ju: gɛt wɛl su:n] |
high-speed broadband [haɪ spi:d 'brɔ:dbænd] |
a quick breakfast [ə kwɪk 'brɛkfəst] |
fast fast [fɑ:st fɑ:st] |
quick decisions [kwɪk dɪ'sɪʒənz] |
quick trim [kwɪk trɪm] |
faster / longer removal ['fæstə(r) 'lɔ:ŋgə(r) rɪ'mu:vəl] |
rapid pace ['ræpəd peɪs] |
rapid ['ræpəd] |
fast food [fɑ:st fu:d] |
fast delivery time [fɑ:st dɪ'lɪvərɪ taɪm] |
brisk [brɪsk] |
prompt [prɔmpt] |
panting ['pæntɪŋ] |
speedy ['spi:dɪ] |
rapid ['ræpəd] |
fast, faster, the fastest [fɑ:st 'fæstə(r) ðə 'fæstɪst] |
rapid spread ['ræpəd sprɛd] |
quick, hasty [kwɪk 'heɪstɪ] |
fast reactions [fɑ:st rɪ'ækʃənz] |
prompt [prɔmpt] |
a quick look should suffice [ə kwɪk luk ʃud sɪ'faɪs] |
lightning fast ['laɪtnɪŋ fɑ:st] |
fast-paced evolution of information technology [fɑ:st peɪst i:və'lu:ʃən ɔv ɪnfər'meɪʃən tek'nɔləʤɪ] |
fast pace [fɑ:st peɪs] |