Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
aloof [ə'lu:f] |
few [fju:] |
insignificant [ɪnsɪg'njɪfɪkənt] |
littleness | |
trifling ['traɪflɪŋ] |
little time | |
mere [mɪə(r)] |
a man of few words | |
small-minded [smɔ:l 'maɪndəd] |
taciturn ['tæsɪtən] |
hardly anyone knows... ['hɑ:dlɪ 'ɛnɪwʌn nəuz] |
unlitely | |
short of cash [ʃɔ:t ɔv kæʃ] |
low-key [ləu ki:] |
easygoing ['i:zɪgəuɪŋ] |
minor ['maɪnə(r)] |
badly paid ['bædlɪ peɪd] |
It was close. [ɪt wɔz kləus] |
has got | |
trifling ['traɪflɪŋ] |
underdone [underdone] |
uphelpfull serrice | |
unlikely [ʌn'laɪklɪ] |
aloof [ə'lu:f] |
fat chance [fæt ʧɑ:ns] |
that was a close shave | |
little - less - the least ['lɪtl lɛs ðə li:st] |
little-less-the least | |
tight-lipped [taɪt lɪpt] |
to demand little | |
short of time | |
of little value [ɔv 'lɪtl 'vælju:] |
a little money [ə 'lɪtl 'mʌnɪ] |
be unlikely/it is unlikely that [bi: ʌn'laɪklɪ ɪt ɪz ʌn'laɪklɪ ðæt] |
I understand little English. [aɪ ʌndə'stænd 'lɪtl 'ɪŋglɪʃ] |
aloof [ə'lu:f] |
petty ['pɛtɪ] |
neonatal thrombocytopenia [ni:ə'neɪtl thrombocytopenia] |
microcephaly [microcephaly] |
hardly anybody ['hɑ:dlɪ 'ɛnɪbɔdɪ] |
few [fju:] |
little ['lɪtl] |
indiscriminate [ɪndɪs'krɪmənɪt] |
few fewer the fewest [fju: 'fju:ə(r) ðə 'fju:ɪst] |
unlikely as that is [ʌn'laɪklɪ æz ðæt ɪz] |
few [fju:] |
little, less, the least ['lɪtl lɛs ðə li:st] |
little ['lɪtl] |
few [fju:] |
little ['lɪtl] |
few [fju:] |
it was close [ɪt wɔz kləus] |
careless ['kɛələs] |
Hardly anyone noticed it ['hɑ:dlɪ 'ɛnɪwʌn 'nəutɪst ɪt] |
tangential [tæ'nʤɛnʧəl] |
reticence ['rɛtɪsɪns] |
little / few ['lɪtl fju:] |
smallholder [smallholder] |
likely to happen ['laɪklɪ tu 'hæpən] |
unlikely to happen [ʌn'laɪklɪ tu 'hæpən] |
little less the least ['lɪtl lɛs ðə li:st] |
quibbling ['kwɪbəlɪŋ] |
fat chance [fæt ʧɑ:ns] |
taciturn ['tæsɪtən] |
unambitious [unambitious] |
A little [ə 'lɪtl] Mało. |
unhelpful [ə'nhɛlpfəl] |
unimaginative [ənɪ'mæʤɪnətɪv] |
unhelpful [ə'nhɛlpfəl] |
unimaginative [ənɪ'mæʤɪnətɪv] |
little ['lɪtl] |
provincial [prə'vɪnʃəl] |
little ['lɪtl] |
pumpkin head ['pʌmpkɪn hɛd] |
Unlikely, I'm deathly afraid of... [ʌn'laɪklɪ aɪm 'dɛθlɪ ə'freɪd ɔv] |
hardly anyone comes here now ['hɑ:dlɪ 'ɛnɪwʌn kʌmz hɪr nau] |
short on things to do [ʃɔ:t ɔn θɪŋz tu du:] |