Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
almost ['ɔ:lməust] |
almost completely recovered | |
almost ['ɔ:lməust] |
almost every district | |
almost successful you | |
almost ['ɔ:lməust] |
almost done ['ɔ:lməust dʌn] |
almost ['ɔ:lməust] |
almost as tall as his father | |
almost anything ['ɔ:lməust 'ɛnɪθɪŋ] |
almost certainly an eternal optimist ['ɔ:lməust 'sə:tənlɪ ən ɪ'tə:nl 'ɔptəmɪst] |
almost no winter clothes | |
almost in most ['ɔ:lməust ɪn məust] |
almost nobody ['ɔ:lməust 'nəubɑdi:] |
almost ['ɔ:lməust] |
almost drown ['ɔ:lməust draun] |
almost every day ['ɔ:lməust 'ɛvrɪ deɪ] |
almost all the written work ['ɔ:lməust ɔ:l ðə 'rɪtn wə:k] |
almost furious ['ɔ:lməust 'fjuərɪəs] |
almost like a miracle (mirykul ) ['ɔ:lməust laɪk ə 'mɪrəkl mirykul] |
Almost everyone ['ɔ:lməust 'ɛvrɪwʌn] |
almost every day ['ɔ:lməust 'ɛvrɪ deɪ] |
almost all t ['ɔ:lməust ɔ:l ti:] |
almost every shot ['ɔ:lməust 'ɛvrɪ ʃɔt] |
almost all ['ɔ:lməust ɔ:l] |
almost everywhere ['ɔ:lməust 'ɛvrɪwɛr] |
almost certainly: almost definitely ['ɔ:lməust 'sə:tənlɪ 'ɔ:lməust 'dɛfɪnɪtlɪ] |
almost ['ɔ:lməust] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
to know sth next to nothing |