Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
show support for someone | |
to turn out [tu tə:n aut] |
report [rɪ'pɔ:t] |
show common sense [ʃəu 'kɔmən sɛns] |
pay respect [peɪ rɪs'pɛkt] |
act out [ækt aut] |
demonstrate ['dɛmənstreɪt] |
show due respect [ʃəu dju: rɪs'pɛkt] |
proves [pru:vz] |
communicate a strong respect [kə'mju:nɪkeɪt ə strɔŋ rɪs'pɛkt] |
show respect for sb's time [ʃəu rɪs'pɛkt fɔ:(r) sb's taɪm] |
show understanding of sb's point of view / needs [ʃəu ʌndə'stændɪŋ ɔv sb's pɔɪnt ɔv vju: ni:dz] |
exert [ɪg'zə:t] |
show scorn [ʃəu skɔ:n] |
show an interest in sb [ʃəu ən 'ɪntrɪst ɪn 'sʌmbədɪ] |
to pay respect to sth [tu peɪ rɪs'pɛkt tu 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
Vehemently (adv.) - showing very strong feelings or opinions ['vi:ɪməntlɪ adv 'ʃəuɪŋ 'vɛrɪ strɔŋ 'fi:lɪŋz ɔ:(r) ə'pɪnjunz] |
turn out [tə:n aut] |