Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
bait [beɪt] |
establishment [ɪs'tæblɪʃmənt] |
foundation [faun'deɪʃən] |
founder ['faundə(r)] |
set [sɛt] |
stitch [stɪʧ] |
suppose [sə'pəuz] |
tenet ['tɛnɪt] |
established [ɪs'tæblɪʃt] |
put on (weight) [put ɔn weɪt] |
make a bet [meɪk ə bɛt] |
start a family [stɑ:t ə 'fæməlɪ] |
establish [ɪs'tæblɪʃ] |
put finger in a plaster | |
assumption / presumption | |
put on [put ɔn] |
sales targets [seɪlz 'tɑ:gəts] |
set up a family | |
raise own family | |
stitch up [stɪʧ ʌp] |
establishing [ɪs'tæblɪʃɪŋ] |
estabilish | |
start up a family [stɑ:t ʌp ə 'fæməlɪ] |
found [faund] |
to hang out your shingle | |
put it on [put ɪt ɔn] |
qualitative presumptions | |
start business | |
open on account | |
raise one's own family [reɪz wʌnz əun 'fæməlɪ] |
put on [put ɔn] |
assumption [ə'sʌmpʃən] |
raise one's own family | |
put you arm in plaster | |
fold your arms [fəuld jɔ:(r) ɑ:mz] |
Put you glasses on | |
start a business | |
founder ['faundə(r)] |
set up [sɛt ʌp] |
to set up a small business | |
to set up a blog | |
to set up a website [tu sɛt ʌp ə 'wɛbsaɪt] |
to start a family | |
set up [sɛt ʌp] |
to start own bussines | |
to raise one's own family [tu reɪz wʌnz əun 'fæməlɪ] |
to establish a company [tu ɪs'tæblɪʃ ə 'kʌmpənɪ] |
I bet it's hard to work | |
start a business [stɑ:t ə 'bɪznəs] |
feel the tooth | |
to set up [tu sɛt ʌp] |
plaster/ put in a cast | |
put on nappy | |
postulate ['pɔstjuleɪt] |
bet [bɛt] |
I'll put on my shoes. | |
to harness a horse | |
put on a jacket [put ɔn ə 'ʤækɪt] |
fill the tooth [tu fɪl ðə tu:θ] |
put a plaster on [put ə 'plɑ:stə(r) ɔn] |
put a dressing on | |
I have had 6 stitches put in | |
establish a family | |
bet bet bet | |
(to) tap sb's phone | |
to found a colony | |
to make a bargain | |
put a plaster / dressing / bandage on | |
found a bank | |
put a bandage [put ə 'bændɪʤ] |
to bet on sth [tu bɛt ɔn 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
plant [plɑ:nt] |
start up one's own business [stɑ:t ʌp one's əun 'bɪznəs] |
stitch [stɪʧ] |
establish a party [ɪs'tæblɪʃ ə 'pɑ:tɪ] |
Put on your coat [put ɔn jɔ:(r) kəut] |
set-up [sɛt ʌp] |
found founded founded [faund 'faundəd 'faundəd] |
install a burglar alarm [ɪn'stɔ:l ə 'bə:glə(r) ə'lɑ:m] |
set up home [sɛt ʌp həum] |
I bet [aɪ bɛt] |
set up my own business [sɛt ʌp maɪ əun 'bɪznəs] |
found [faund] |
set up house/home [sɛt ʌp haus həum] |
put on [put ɔn] |
to found a town [tu faund ə taun] |
assumption [ə'sʌmpʃən] |
I'll bet [I'll bɛt] |
Suppose [sə'pəuz] |
I bet you a good dinner [aɪ bɛt ju: ə gud 'dɪnə(r)] |
founding of ['faundɪŋ ɔv] |
establishment [ɪs'tæblɪʃmənt] |
put (sb's leg) in plaster [put sb's lɛg ɪn 'plɑ:stə(r)] |
put [put] |
put (sb's leg) in plaster [put sb's lɛg ɪn 'plɑ:stə(r)] |
tuck their hair behind their ears [tʌk ðɛə(r) hɛə(r) bɪ'haɪnd ðɛə(r) ɪərz] |
set up, establish, found [sɛt ʌp ɪs'tæblɪʃ faund] |
found [faund] |
establish [ɪs'tæblɪʃ] |
to cross your legs [tu krɔs jɔ:(r) lɛgz] |