Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
animal ['ænɪməl] |
beastly [beastly] |
packanimal | |
pet [pɛt] |
animals appear in films | |
animals carry our luggage | |
animals dying out | |
farm animals [fɑ:m 'ænəməlz] |
domestic animal [də'mɛstɪk 'ænɪməl] |
farm animal [fɑ:m 'ænɪməl] |
caged animal | |
cartoon animal | |
animals ['ænəməlz] |
animals become extinct ['ænəməlz bɪ'kʌm ɪks'tɪŋkt] |
solitary animal | |
livestock ['laɪvstɑk] |
agony aunt ['ægənɪ ænt] |
varmints | |
animal might bite | |
marine animals [mər'i:n 'ænəməlz] |
animal skin ['ænɪməl skɪn] |
farm animal | |
The animal might bite the man who is taking a bath. | |
pack animal | |
sea animal [si: 'ænɪməl] |
pure breed animal | |
agony aunt | |
animal that you eat ['ænɪməl ðæt ju: i:t] |
The animal might bite a man who is taking a bath. [ðə 'ænɪməl maɪt baɪt ə mæn hu: ɪz 'teɪkɪŋ ə bɑ:θ] |
pets [pɛts] |
animals in captivity ['ænəməlz ɪn kæp'tɪvɪtɪ] |
endangered animals [en'deɪnʤərd 'ænəməlz] |
Animals are hunted for furs ['ænəməlz ɑ:(r) 'hʌntəd fɔ:(r) fə:z] |
Animal means responsibilities. ['ænɪməl mi:nz rɪspɑnsɪ'bɪlɪtɪz] |
carnivore ['kɑ:nɪvɔ:r] |
herbivore ['hə:bɪvɔ:r] |
omnivore [omnivore] |
an animal [ən 'ænɪməl] |
a pet [ə pɛt] |
farm animal [fɑ:m 'ænɪməl] |
livestock ['laɪvstɑk] |
animal described in his book ['ænɪməl dɪs'kraɪbd ɪn hɪz buk] |
burrower ['bə:əə(r)] |
(domestic/ wild/ farm) animal [də'mɛstɪk waɪld fɑ:m 'ænɪməl] |
animal star ['ænɪməl stɑ:] |
pet [pɛt] |
wild/farm animal [waɪld fɑ:m 'ænɪməl] |
fauna ['fɔ:nə] |
Feral (adj.) - In a wild state, especially after escape from captivity or domestication. ['fɛrl adj ɪn ə waɪld steɪt əs'pɛʃlɪ 'ɑ:ftə(r) əs'keɪp frɔm kæp'tɪvɪtɪ ɔ:(r) dəmɛstɪ'keɪʃən] |
domestic animal [də'mɛstɪk 'ænɪməl] |