Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
the best [ðə bɛst] |
premier (adj) [pre'mɪr adj] |
best friend [bɛst frɛnd] |
a show-stopper | |
the best greengrocer in the centre | |
best [bɛst] |
top of the heap [tɔp ɔv ðə hi:p] |
the very best [ðə 'vɛrɪ bɛst] |
best [bɛst] |
prime time [praɪm taɪm] |
best of all | |
cream of the crop | |
the best repair shop in town [ðə bɛst rɪ'pɛə(r) ʃɔp ɪn taun] |
The Grand Hotel is the best in town. | |
second to none ['sɛkənd tu nʌn] |
The best way to get rid of a headache is to take medicine [ðə bɛst weɪ tu gɛt rɪd ɔv ə 'hɛdeɪk ɪz tu teɪk 'mɛdɪsɪn] |
the best vantage point [ðə bɛst 'væntəʤ pɔɪnt] |
top employer [tɔp em'plɔɪə(r)] |
best of the best [bɛst ɔv ðə bɛst] |
the best [ðə bɛst] |
best buy [bɛst baɪ] |
the best way of earning money [ðə bɛst weɪ ɔv 'ə:nɪŋ 'mʌnɪ] |
The best way to get fit is [ðə bɛst weɪ tu gɛt fɪt ɪz] |
the best way [ðə bɛst weɪ] |
the best idea [ðə bɛst aɪ'dɪə] |
a massage of choice [ə mə'sɔʒ ɔv ʧɔɪs] |
excelled [ɪk'sɛld] |
unbeatable [n'bi:təbl] |
best friend [bɛst frɛnd] |
The best actor of our times [ðə bɛst 'æktə(r) ɔv 'auə(r) taɪmz] |
the best possible scenario from their point of view [ðə bɛst 'pɔsɪbl sɪ'nɛrɪə frɔm ðɛə(r) pɔɪnt ɔv vju:] |
The best student should be solid, punctual and systematic. [ðə bɛst 'stju:dənt ʃud bi: 'sɔlɪd punctual ænd sɪstə'mætɪk] |
finest ['faɪnɪst] |