Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"ZAKRESIE" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
in a range
part of
[pɑ:t ɔv]
full Monty
in this regard
[ɪn ðɪs rɪ'gɑ:d]
about this kind of thing
self-catering cottages or flats
social scientist
['səuʃl 'saɪəntɪst]
[sɛlf draɪv]
self-catering accommodation
within the scope
[sɛlf draɪv]
Mental Health Services
limited extent
['lɪmətəd ɪk'stɛnt]
self-catering apartment
[sɛlf 'keɪtərɪŋ ə'pɑ:tmənt]
make your own compost
[meɪk jɔ:(r) əun 'kɔmpəst]
certain limited extent
['sə:tən 'lɪmətəd ɪk'stɛnt]
I have a degree/ diploma in
[aɪ hæv ə dɪ'gri: dɪ'pləumə ɪn]
have a broad focus
[hæv ə brɔ:d 'fəukəs]
in terms of difficulty
[ɪn tə:mz ɔv 'dɪfəkəltɪ]
in terms of
[ɪn tə:mz ɔv]
I have free rein to do this
[aɪ hæv fri: reɪn tu du: ðɪs]
diploma in computer design
[dɪ'pləumə ɪn kəm'pju:tə(r) dɪ'zaɪn]
self catering
[sɛlf 'keɪtərɪŋ]
it ranges in ...
[ɪt 'reɪnʤəz ɪn]
involving the creation
[ɪn'vɔlvɪŋ ðə kri:'eɪʃən]
Provide a flexible service
[prə'vaɪd ə 'flɛksɪbl 'sə:vəs]
to a limited extend
[tu ə 'lɪmətəd ɪk'stɛnd]
nutrition counselling
[nut'rɪʃən counselling]
self-catering flat
[sɛlf 'keɪtərɪŋ flæt]
all within range
[ɔ:l wɪð'ɪn reɪnʤ]
unlimited in legal liability
[ən'lɪmətəd ɪn 'li:gl laɪə'bɪlɪtɪ]
Sadly we don't have much option in those regards
['sædlɪ wi: dəunt hæv mʌʧ 'ɔpʃən ɪn ðəuz rɪ'gɑ:dz]
Children should be subjected to some form of safety education .
['ʧɪldrən ʃud bi: sɪ'bʤɛktɪd tu sʌm fɔ:m ɔv 'seɪftɪ ɛʤə'keɪʃən]
Meals range from bed and breakfast to full board.
[mi:lz reɪnʤ frɔm bɛd ænd 'brɛkfəst tu ful bɔ:d]
considerable (adj.) large in size, amount, or extent
[kən'sɪdərəbl adj lɑ:ʤ ɪn saɪz ə'maunt ɔ:(r) ɪk'stɛnt]
cooperation with the finance department in terms of payments
[kəuɔpə'reɪʃən wɪð ðə fə'næns dɪ'pɑ:tmənt ɪn tə:mz ɔv 'peɪmənts]
cooperation with the finance department in terms of payments
[kəuɔpə'reɪʃən wɪð ðə fə'næns dɪ'pɑ:tmənt ɪn tə:mz ɔv 'peɪmənts]
cooperation with the finance department in terms of payments
[kəuɔpə'reɪʃən wɪð ðə fə'næns dɪ'pɑ:tmənt ɪn tə:mz ɔv 'peɪmənts]
cooperation with the finance department in terms of payments
[kəuɔpə'reɪʃən wɪð ðə fə'næns dɪ'pɑ:tmənt ɪn tə:mz ɔv 'peɪmənts]
cooperation with the finance department in terms of payments
[kəuɔpə'reɪʃən wɪð ðə fə'næns dɪ'pɑ:tmənt ɪn tə:mz ɔv 'peɪmənts]
cooperation with the finance department in terms of payments
[kəuɔpə'reɪʃən wɪð ðə fə'næns dɪ'pɑ:tmənt ɪn tə:mz ɔv 'peɪmənts]
cooperation with the finance department in terms of payments
[kəuɔpə'reɪʃən wɪð ðə fə'næns dɪ'pɑ:tmənt ɪn tə:mz ɔv 'peɪmənts]
cooperation with the finance department in terms of payments
[kəuɔpə'reɪʃən wɪð ðə fə'næns dɪ'pɑ:tmənt ɪn tə:mz ɔv 'peɪmənts]

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