Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
blunder int | |
blunder into | |
to get on top of you | |
in tough [ɪn tʌf] |
run out on [rʌn aut ɔn] |
get into trouble [gɛt 'ɪntu 'trʌbl] |
in a tight spot [ɪn ə taɪt spɔt] |
at such a vulnerable time [æt sʌʧ ə 'vʌlnərəbl taɪm] |
to pull sth off [tu pul 'sʌmθɪŋ ɔf] |
arise [ə'raɪz] |
let the sleeping dogs lie [lɛt ðə 'sli:pɪŋ dɔgz laɪ] |