Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
bogus ['bəugəs] |
bog down [bɔg daun] |
bog [bɔg] |
bogey ['bəugɪ] |
bogeyman ['bəugɪmæn] |
bogaty | |
boggle ['bɔgl] |
bog down [bɔg daun] |
bog in | |
bog off | |
bogobojny | |
bogus ['bəugəs] |
bogus ['bəugəs] |
boggles ['bɔgəlz] |
boggle ['bɔgl] |
bogging ['bɔ:gɪŋ] |
bogus ['bəugəs] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
God [gɔd] |
goddess ['gɔdɪs] |
rich [rɪʧ] |
riches ['rɪʧəz] |
wealth [wɛlθ] |
wealthy ['wɛlθɪ] |
rich in [rɪʧ ɪn] |
richness ['rɪʧnəs] |
opulent ['ɔpjulənt] |
mogul ['məugl] |
informative [ɪn'fɔ:mətɪv] |
richly ['rɪʧlɪ] |
the rich [ðə rɪʧ] |
rich / the rich [rɪʧ ðə rɪʧ] |
carbohydrate-rich [kɑ:bəu'haɪdreɪt rɪʧ] |
loaded ['ləudəd] |
high in protein and vitamins | |
richer ['rɪʧə(r)] |
wealthy clientele | |
rich history [rɪʧ 'hɪstərɪ] |
rich= wealthy | |
god [gɔd] |
deux ex machina | |
affluent ['æfluənt] |
richly dressed ['rɪʧlɪ drɛst] |
God-fearing people | |
get rich [gɛt rɪʧ] |
richness and the bliss ['rɪʧnəs ænd ðə blɪs] |
starchy ['stɑ:ʧɪ] |
wealthy / very rich ['wɛlθɪ 'vɛrɪ rɪʧ] |
reichhaltig Sortiment | |
god of the forest | |
wealthier ['wɛlθɪə(r)] |
man of substance [mæn ɔv 'sʌbstəns] |
deizm | |
reach in protein [ri:ʧ ɪn 'prəuti:n] |
haves [hævz] |
wealth of sth [wɛlθ ɔv 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
wealth [wɛlθ] |
wealthy ['wɛlθɪ] |
exuberant [ɪg'zju:bərnt] |
a full range of sth [ə ful reɪnʤ ɔv 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
a rich king [ə rɪʧ kɪŋ] |
richly ['rɪʧlɪ] |
man of property [mæn ɔv 'prɔpətɪ] |
high in [haɪ ɪn] |
rich richer the richest [rɪʧ 'rɪʧə(r) ðə 'rɪʧɪst] |
sumptuously [sumptuously] |
the haves [ðə hævz] |
natural resources ['næʧərəl 'ri:sɔ:rsɪz] |
richly ['rɪʧlɪ] |
rich in sth [rɪʧ ɪn 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
richly ['rɪʧlɪ] |
well-off [wɛl ɔf] |
extensive vocabulary [ɪks'tɛnsɪv və'kæbjulɛrɪ] |
rich in sth [rɪʧ ɪn 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
the wealthy [ðə 'wɛlθɪ] |
rich feathery smudge [rɪʧ 'fɛðərɪ smʌʤ] |
richer range of tones ['rɪʧə(r) reɪnʤ ɔv təunz] |
richness ['rɪʧnəs] |
God Almighty [gɔd ɔ:l'maɪtɪ] |
protein-rich ['prəuti:n rɪʧ] |
well-off for sth. [wɛl ɔf fɔ:(r) 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
riches ['rɪʧəz] |
rich in culture [rɪʧ ɪn 'kʌlʧə(r)] |
richer ['rɪʧə(r)] |
god-goddess [gɔd 'gɔdɪs] |
it's rich in iron ore [it's rɪʧ ɪn 'aɪən ɔ:(r)] |
to prosper [tu 'prɔspə(r)] |
loaded, minted ['ləudəd 'mɪntɪd] |
rich [rɪʧ] |
pious ['paɪəs] |
rich, well off, affluent [rɪʧ wɛl ɔf 'æfluənt] |
rich people [rɪʧ 'pi:pl] |
lavishly decorated ['lævɪʃlɪ 'dɛkəreɪtəd] |
richer ['rɪʧə(r)] |
richly decorated building ['rɪʧlɪ 'dɛkəreɪtəd 'bɪldɪŋ] |