Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
dose [dəus] |
dossier ['dɔsɪeɪ] |
dostępne środki transportu | |
dosage ['dəusɪʤ] |
dosage ['dəusɪʤ] |
dosh [dɔʃ] |
dose frequency | |
dose/ overdose | |
dose [dəus] |
dos and don'ts [dɔs ænd don'ts] |
doss house [dɔs haus] |
doss/hang around [dɔs hæŋ ər'aund] |
doss around, hang around [dɔs ər'aund hæŋ ər'aund] |
dose that render the wine competition a pointless? [dəus ðæt 'rɛndə(r) ðə waɪn kɔmpə'tɪʃən ə 'pɔɪntləs] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
access ['æksɛs] |
accessible [æk'sɛsɪbl] |
available [ə'veɪləbl] |
caterer ['keɪtərə(r)] |
centripetal | |
conformity [kən'fɔ:mɪtɪ] |
deliver [dɪ'lɪvə(r)] |
delivery [dɪ'lɪvərɪ] |
experience [ɪk'spɪərɪəns] |
get got got [gɛt gɔt gɔt] |
got [gɔt] |
literal ['lɪtərl] |
online ['ɔ:nlaɪn] |
perceptible [pə'sɛptɪbl] |
perfect ['pə:fɪkt] |
perfection [pər'fɛkʃən] |
procure [prə'kjur] |
provide [prə'vaɪd] |
supply [sə'plaɪ] |
verbatim [vər'beɪtəm] |
to get [tu gɛt] |
to give [tu gɪv] |
get got got [gɛt gɔt gɔt] |
make out [meɪk aut] |
being competent | |
experience in leading a team | |
finance experience [fə'næns ɪk'spɪərɪəns] |
get to work [gɛt tu wə:k] |
availability [əveɪlə'bɪlɪtɪ] |
experienced [ɪks'pɪrɪənst] |
experienced (at) [ɪks'pɪrɪənst æt] |
abide by [ə'baɪd baɪ] |
get around (to go or travel to different places) | |
perfectly ['pə:fɪktlɪ] |
get into university [gɛt 'ɪntu ju:nɪ'və:sɪtɪ] |
get pay rise [gɛt peɪ raɪz] |
discern [dɪ'sə:n] |
get a present [gɛt ə 'prɛzənt] |
get help [gɛt hɛlp] |
catch up with [kæʧ ʌp wɪð] |
have an ijnection | |
get a prescription [gɛt ə prɪ'skrɪpʃən] |
adjusting [ə'ʤʌstɪŋ] |
get there [gɛt ðɛə(r)] |
get a better job [gɛt ə 'bɛtə(r) ʤɔb] |
access to the Internet ['æksɛs tu ðə 'ɪntərnɛt] |
get a scholarship [gɛt ə 'skɔləʃɪp] |
refine [rɪ'faɪn] |
adjust [ə'ʤʌst] |
available [ə'veɪləbl] |
we are getting [wi: ɑ:(r) 'gɛtɪŋ] |
sophisticated [sə'fɪstɪkeɪtɪd] |
get presents [gɛt 'prɛzənts] |
get to [gɛt tu] |
to go bananas | |
pretty ['prɪtɪ] |
get a job [gɛt ə ʤɔb] |
get a prize [gɛt ə praɪz] |
access ['æksɛs] |
fair enough [fɛə(r) ɪ'nʌf] |
literally ['lɪtərəlɪ] |
we will supply [wi: wɪl sə'plaɪ] |
get state benefits [gɛt steɪt 'bɛnɪfɪts] |
Internet access ['ɪntərnɛt 'æksɛs] |
IT facilities | |
mobile internet | |
land the job [lænd ðə ʤɔb] |
reach for the stars | |
provider [prə'vaɪdə(r)] |
over-cooked | |
opportunistic [ɑpərtu:'nɪstɪk] |
pretty late | |
be offered work/a job [bi: 'ɔ:fərd wə:k ə ʤɔb] |
over-cooked / overdone ['əuvə(r) kukt 'əuvərdʌn] |
access ['æksɛs] |
availability [əveɪlə'bɪlɪtɪ] |
experience [ɪk'spɪərɪəns] |
come up in a rash | |
be taken prisoner | |
peckish [peckish] |
work experience [wə:k ɪk'spɪərɪəns] |
catch a chill | |
customized ['kʌstəmaɪzd] |
supply [sə'plaɪ] |
run amok | |
get a pay rise [gɛt ə peɪ raɪz] |
get into sth [gɛt 'ɪntu 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
available [ə'veɪləbl] |
accessibility [æksesɪ'bɪlɪtɪ] |
fairly ['fɛəlɪ] |
fairly ['fɛəlɪ] |
get a place on sth | |
approachable [ə'prəuʧəbl] |
affluent ['æfluənt] |
affluence ['æfluəns] |
available [ə'veɪləbl] |
gotten ['gɔtn] |
get to the college | |
What are the means of transport that I can use? | |
get bad marks [gɛt bæd mɑ:ks] |