Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
describe [dɪs'kraɪb] |
description [dɪs'krɪpʃən] |
descriptive [dɪs'krɪptɪv] |
interpreting ['ɪntərprɛtɪŋ] |
describe [dɪs'kraɪb] |
account [ə'kaunt] |
product description | |
write out [raɪt aut] |
describe someone's behaviour [dɪs'kraɪb 'sʌmwnz behaviour] |
a background description of events | |
describe an experience [dɪs'kraɪb ən ɪk'spɪərɪəns] |
to recount | |
describing clothes | |
destribing places | |
descritive | |
investigational medicinal product dossier | |
water network description | |
featured ['fi:ʧərd] |
description [dɪs'krɪpʃən] |
description- of- a- journey | |
describe quantity | |
describe [dɪs'kraɪb] |
describe to [dɪs'kraɪb tu] |
to describe yourself [tu dɪs'kraɪb jər'sɛlf] |
describe [dɪs'kraɪb] |
will you describe her appearance to us | |
to describe [tu dɪs'kraɪb] |
descriptions [dɪs'krɪpʃənz] |
describe description descriptive | |
describing yourself | |
to cheat on an exam | |
itme description (in the auction) | |
item description | |
describing personality [dɪs'kraɪbɪŋ pəsɪ'nælɪtɪ] |
described [dɪs'kraɪbd] |
describing people [dɪs'kraɪbɪŋ 'pi:pl] |
descriptive [dɪs'krɪptɪv] |
explain/describe to | |
A description of myself [ə dɪs'krɪpʃən ɔv maɪ'sɛlf] |
depict [dɪ'pɪkt] |
described [dɪs'kraɪbd] |
description of [dɪs'krɪpʃən ɔv] |
describe the event [dɪs'kraɪb ðə ɪ'vɛnt] |
depict [dɪ'pɪkt] |
describe [dɪs'kraɪb] |
I explained my [aɪ ɪk'spleɪnd maɪ] |
describe a cultural experience you had recently. [dɪs'kraɪb ə 'kʌlʧərəl ɪk'spɪərɪəns ju: hæd 'ri:sɪntlɪ] |
please talk me through this process [pli:z tɔ:k mi: θru: ðɪs 'prɔsɛs] |
write up an experiment [raɪt ʌp ən ɪk'spɛrɪmənt] |
describe [dɪs'kraɪb] |
describe [dɪs'kraɪb] |
laid out [leɪd aut] |
describes [dɪs'kraɪbz] |
Describe your school uniform [dɪs'kraɪb jɔ:(r) sku:l 'ju:nɪfɔ:m] |
describe the symptoms [dɪs'kraɪb ðə 'sɪmptəmz] |
describing pictures [dɪs'kraɪbɪŋ 'pɪkʧərz] |
describing [dɪs'kraɪbɪŋ] |
describing objects [dɪs'kraɪbɪŋ 'ɔbʤekts] |
description of [dɪs'krɪpʃən ɔv] |
to describing [tu dɪs'kraɪbɪŋ] |
circumscribed [səkəm'skraɪbd] |
label ['leɪbl] |
white up an experiment [waɪt ʌp ən ɪk'spɛrɪmənt] |
to describe [tu dɪs'kraɪb] |
describes situations [dɪs'kraɪbz sɪʧu'eɪʃənz] |
describe statistics [dɪs'kraɪb stə'tɪstɪks] |
describe [dɪs'kraɪb] |
detail [dɪ'teɪl] |
description of goods [dɪs'krɪpʃən ɔv gudz] |
book blurb [bʊk blə:b] |
describe your symptoms [dɪs'kraɪb jɔ:(r) 'sɪmptəmz] |
walk through [wɔ:k θru:] |