Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"moimi" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
The other two are my uncles.
I asked him to manage my investments
[aɪ æskt hɪm tu 'mænəʤ maɪ ɪn'vɛstmənts]
I stopped putting my video clips on YouTube because my friends teased me
I'm on good terms with my neighbours
Attention to detail and customer satisfaction and determination are my main assets.
[ə'tɛnʃən tu dɪ'teɪl ænd 'kʌstəmə(r) sætɪs'fækʃən ænd dɪtəmɪ'neɪʃən ɑ:(r) maɪ meɪn 'æs&]
beyond my abilities
[bɪ'ɔnd maɪ ə'bɪlɪtɪz]
with my skills luck is not necessary
[wɪð maɪ skɪlz lʌk ɪz nɔt 'nɛsɪsɪrɪ]
hanging out with your friends
['hæŋɪŋ aut wɪð jɔ:(r) frɛndz]
I have to meet with my friend.
[aɪ hæv tu mi:t wɪð maɪ frɛnd]
not my cup of tea
[nɔt maɪ kʌp ɔv ti:]
the job matches my professional interests
[ðə ʤɔb 'mæʧəz maɪ prə'fɛʃənl 'ɪntrɪsts]
I'm on friendly terms with my neighbours.
[I'm ɔn 'frɛndlɪ tə:mz wɪð maɪ neighbours]
You are my parents. I love you.
[ju: ɑ:(r) maɪ 'pɛərənts aɪ lʌv ju:]
I see with my eyes.
[aɪ si: wɪð maɪ aɪz]
I hear with my ears
[aɪ hɪə(r) wɪð maɪ ɪərz]
I usually hang out with my mates
[aɪ 'jju:ʒəwəlɪ hæŋ aut wɪð maɪ meɪts]
I'm going out with my girlfriends.
[aɪm 'gəuɪŋ aut wɪð maɪ 'gə:lfrɛndz]
Come and play with my friends.
[kʌm ænd pleɪ wɪð maɪ frɛndz]
They are my friend.
[ðeɪ ɑ:(r) maɪ frɛnd]
Later, I meet my friends.
['leɪtə(r) aɪ mi:t maɪ frɛndz]
Were you alone? I was with my friends.
[wə:(r) ju: ə'ləun aɪ wɔz wɪð maɪ frɛndz]
I was with my friends.
[aɪ wɔz wɪð maɪ frɛndz]
I gotta manage my money..
[aɪ 'gɔtə 'mænəʤ maɪ 'mʌnɪ]
I didn't want to burden anyone with my troubles.
[aɪ 'dɪdənt wɔnt tu 'bə:dn 'ɛnɪwʌn wɪð maɪ 'trʌbəlz]

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