Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
cast [kɑ:st] |
threw [θru:] |
throw [θrəu] |
thrown ( thrown out) [θrəun θrəun aut] |
cast cast cast [kɑ:st kɑ:st kɑ:st] |
throw threw thrown [θrəu θru: θrəun] |
hurl [hə:l] |
lob [lɔb] |
give up work [gɪv ʌp wə:k] |
ditch [dɪʧ] |
drop [drɔp] |
give up smoking [gɪv ʌp 'sməukɪŋ] |
give up [gɪv ʌp] |
throw crockery | |
waste one's breath | |
tass [tæs] |
have a look [hæv ə luk] |
cast a spell [kɑ:st ə spɛl ɔn] |
give up your job | |
catch a glimpse of (sth [kæʧ ə glɪmps ɔv 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
drop a hint [drɔp ə hɪnt] |
give up [gɪv ʌp] |
threw [θru:] |
practice darts | |
toss a coin [tɔs ə kɔɪn] |
throw [θrəu] |
jump out at | |
assail with | |
thrown [θrəun] |
throw the hammer [θrəu ðə 'hæmə(r)] |
throw the javelin [θrəu ðə 'ʤævələn] |
challenge ['ʧælɪnʤ] |
quite [kwaɪt] |
look sth over [luk 'sʌmθɪŋ 'əuvə(r)] |
cast a glance over | |
to flip a coin | |
let's flip a coin to decide | |
leave school early [li:v sku:l 'ə:lɪ] |
peek [pi:k] |
give up job [gɪv ʌp ʤɔb] |
put out a cigarette | |
litter lout | |
throw to [θrəu tu] |
dropping litter ['drɔpɪŋ 'lɪtə(r)] |
throw snowballs [θrəu 'snəubɔ:lz] |
throw streamers [θrəu 'stri:mərz] |
walk out on [wɔ:k aut ɔn] |
drop out [drɔp aut] |
throw the ball to someone [θrəu ðə bɔ:l tu 'sʌmwʌn] |
throw snowballs at somebody | |
have a glance | |
drop rubbish in the street | |
quit work [kwɪt wə:k] |
dump sb [dʌmp 'sʌmbədɪ] |
conspicuous [kən'spɪkjuəs] |
throw threw [θrəu θru:] |
to glance at [tu glæns æt] |
to challenge oneself [tu 'ʧælɪnʤ wʌn'sɛlf] |
flip a coin | |
shed a little light on sth | |
give up/quit work [gɪv ʌp kwɪt wə:k] |
toss [tɔs] |
throw threw thrown [θrəu θru: θrəun] |
throw threw thrown [θrəu θru: θrəun] |
give up [gɪv ʌp] |
challenge ['ʧælɪnʤ] |
make after [meɪk 'ɑ:ftə(r)] |
make at [meɪk æt] |
chanting ['ʧæntɪŋ] |
throw/threw | |
throw me the ball | |
throw sth at sb [θrəu 'sʌmθɪŋ æt 'sʌmbədɪ] |
throw sth to sb [θrəu 'sʌmθɪŋ tu 'sʌmbədɪ] |
to throw trash | |
dart [dɑ:t] |
to pounce [tu pauns] |
throw [θrəu] |
thrown [θrəun] |
threw [θru:] |
fling flung flung | |
throw a ball to somebody | |
bewitched [bɪ'wɪʧt] |
qiut work | |
cast a shadow [kɑ:st ə 'ʃædəu] |
cast a glance | |
to drop | |
to cast / to shed / to throw light on sth [tu kɑ:st tu ʃɛd tu θrəu laɪt ɔn 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
She plunged into the preparations for the party [ʃi: plʌnʤd 'ɪntu ðə prɛpər'eɪʃənz fɔ:(r) ðə 'pɑ:tɪ] |
prominent exceptions | |
cast [kɑ:st] |
look at him in a strange way | |
throw at [θrəu æt] |
throw sticks | |
throwaway comment | |
throw threw [θrəu θru:] |
castt a spell on sb | |
throw, threw, thrown [θrəu θru: θrəun] |
he gave up smoking for the sake of his health | |
give up | |
give up (smoking) [gɪv ʌp 'sməukɪŋ] |