Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
face [feɪs] |
to face the music | |
face the music [feɪs ðə 'mju:zɪk] |
to be faced with | |
to face | |
stop in one's tracks [stɔp ɪn wʌnz træks] |
burst into flames [bə:st 'ɪntu fleɪmz] |
to side with sb | |
appear in court [ə'pɪə(r) ɪn kɔ:t] |
lie at anchor | |
take sides [teɪk saɪdz] |
to rise to the occasion [tu raɪz tu ðə ə'keɪʒən] |
go up to her | |
face [feɪs] |
stand - stood - stood | |
step on [stɛp ɔn] |
face competition [feɪs kɔmpə'tɪʃən] |
get back onto one's feet [gɛt bæk 'ɔntu one's fi:t] |
stand trial [stænd 'traɪəl] |
get back on one's feet [gɛt bæk ɔn one's fi:t] |
stall [stɔ:l] |
appear in court / investigate a crime [ə'pɪə(r) ɪn kɔ:t ɪn'vɛstɪgeɪt ə kraɪm] |
burst [bə:st] |
to face the fact [tu feɪs ðə fækt] |
face sth [feɪs 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
rise to the challenge [raɪz tu ðə 'ʧælɪnʤ] |
face sth [feɪs 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
be on remand [bi: ɔn rɪ'mænd] |
languish ['læŋgwɪʃ] |
to stand and fight [tu stænd ænd faɪt] |
to face dangers [tu feɪs 'deɪnʤərz] |
stand on your own two feet [stænd ɔn jɔ:(r) əun tju: fi:t] |
went up in flames [wɛnt ʌp ɪn fleɪmz] |
sided with ['saɪdəd wɪð] |
step into limelight [stɛp 'ɪntu 'laɪmlaɪt] |
engulf in flames [ɪn'gʌlf ɪn fleɪmz] |
get transfixed [gɛt træn'sfɪkst] |
stand clear of the doors [stænd klɪə(r) ɔv ðə dɔ:z] |
come up against [kʌm ʌp ə'gɛnst] |
stand on end [stænd ɔn ɛnd] |
face the facts [feɪs ðə fækts] |
stall [stɔ:l] |
get in line [gɛt ɪn laɪn] |
to run short sth [tu rʌn ʃɔ:t 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
to lie at anchor [tu laɪ æt 'æŋkə(r)] |
I'd take your side, if you let me say something [aɪd teɪk jɔ:(r) saɪd ɪf ju: lɛt mi: seɪ 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
to be confronted by the conflict between [tu bi: kən'frʌntəd baɪ ðə 'kɔnflɪkt bɪt'wi:n] |
face a conflict between ... and ... [feɪs ə 'kɔnflɪkt bɪt'wi:n ænd] |
come face to face with [kʌm feɪs tu feɪs wɪð] |
to take sb's part |