Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
attach [ə'tæʧ] |
attachment [ə'tæʧmənt] |
attack [ə'tæk] |
attain [ə'teɪn] |
attainment [ə'teɪnmənt] |
attainments [attainments] |
attempt [ə'tɛmpt] |
attend [ə'tɛnd] |
attendance [ə'tɛndəns] |
attendant [ə'tɛndənt] |
attention [ə'tɛnʃən] |
attentive [ə'tɛntɪv] |
attenuate [ə'tɛnjueɪt] |
attest [ə'tɛst] |
attestation | |
attic ['ætɪk] |
attire [ə'taɪə(r)] |
attitude ['ætətju:d] |
attorney [ə'tə:nɪ] |
attract [ə'trækt] |
attraction [ə'trækʃən] |
attractive [ə'træktɪv] |
attribute ['ætrɪbju:t] |
attrition [ə'trɪʃən] |
attune [ə'tu:n] |
attachment [ə'tæʧmənt] |
attain objectives [ə'teɪn ə'bʤɛktɪvz] |
attainable [ə'teɪnəbl] |
attend school [ə'tɛnd sku:l] |
attend classes [ə'tɛnd 'klɑ:sɪz] |
attend a course /classes /school [ə'tɛnd ə kɔ:s 'klɑ:sɪz sku:l] |
attendance [ə'tɛndəns] |
attracive | |
attach [ə'tæʧ] |
attidutes | |
attitude ['ætətju:d] |
attend a course [ə'tɛnd ə kɔ:s] |
attend to sthsb | |
attending [ə'tɛndɪŋ] |
attachment [ə'tæʧmənt] |
attached [ə'tæʧt] |
attitude to ['ætətju:d tu] |
attitude of mind | |
attick | |
attention grabbing [ə'tɛnʃən 'græbɪŋ] |
attack on [ə'tæk ɔn] |
attempt [ə'tɛmpt] |
attection | |
attentively [ə'tɛntɪvlɪ] |
attractively [ə'træktɪvlɪ] |
attempt [ə'tɛmpt] |
attend [ə'tɛnd] |
attitude ['ætətju:d] |
attract [ə'trækt] |
attic ['ætɪk] |
attractive [ə'træktɪv] |
attention grabbing | |
attends [ə'tɛndz] |
attachement | |
attitude ['ætətju:d] |
attend to task [ə'tɛnd tu tɑ:sk] |
attend to [ə'tɛnd tu] |
attend the film show [ə'tɛnd ðə fɪlm ʃəu] |
attitude ['ætətju:d] |
attitude to life ['ætətju:d tu laɪf] |
attachment [ə'tæʧmənt] |
attend [ə'tɛnd] |
attribute ['ætrɪbju:t] |
attract/draw/hold media attention [ə'trækt drɔ: həuld 'mi:dɪə ə'tɛnʃən] |
attendee [ə'tɛndi:] |
attractive sales promotions | |
attitude to ['ætətju:d tu] |
attend to [ə'tɛnd tu] |
attribute sth to sth ['ætrɪbju:t 'sʌmθɪŋ tu 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
attend / participate in [ə'tɛnd pɑr'tɪsɪpeɪt ɪn] |
attempt [ə'tɛmpt] |
attractive [ə'træktɪv] |
attack someone | |
attend [ə'tɛnd] |
attempt [ə'tɛmpt] |
attend school/ classes/ a course [ə'tɛnd sku:l 'klɑ:sɪz ə kɔ:s] |
attend to [ə'tɛnd tu] |
attach importance to sth [ə'tæʧ ɪm'pɔ:tns tu 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
attractive [ə'træktɪv] |
attractive [ə'træktɪv] |
attractive [ə'træktɪv] |
attractive [ə'træktɪv] |
attack [ə'tæk] |
attacker [ə'tækə(r)] |
attend to sb/sth [ə'tɛnd tu 'sʌmbədɪ 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
attendant [ə'tɛndənt] |
attencion | |
attraction [ə'trækʃən] |
attitude problem ['ætətju:d 'prɔbləm] |
attempted murders [ə'tɛmptəd 'mə:dərz] |
attempted murders with knives | |
attestation [attestation] |
attentive [ə'tɛntɪv] |
attribute ['ætrɪbju:t] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
haggle ['hægl] |
attic ['ætɪk] |
defence attaché | |
submit [sɪb'mɪt] |
attorney [ə'tə:nɪ] |
attempt [ə'tɛmpt] |
attract [ə'trækt] |
Quaint [kweɪnt] |
endeavor [ɪn'dɛvə(r)] |
endeavour [ɪn'dɛvə(r)] |
glamorous ['glæmərəs] |
hard sell | |
put down to | |
to sit something out | |
publicity [pəb'lɪsɪtɪ] |
attempt |