Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
go through customs [gəu θru: 'kʌstəmz] |
You can't take friut through customs. | |
I have to go through Mexican customs before I can meet you. | |
go trough customs/security [gəu trɔ:f 'kʌstəmz sɪ'kjuərɪtɪ] |
go tough customs/security [gəu tʌf 'kʌstəmz sɪ'kjuərɪtɪ] |
go through customs/security [gəu θru: 'kʌstəmz sɪ'kjuərɪtɪ] |
go through the customs [gəu θru: ðə 'kʌstəmz] |
He cannot work in other radio stations for the next 2 years, but he will receive money/ gratuity/graczuiti/ from Radio. [hi: 'kænɔt wə:k ɪn 'ʌðə(r) 'reɪdɪəu 'steɪʃənz fɔ:(r) ðə nɛkst 2 jɪrz bʌt hi: wɪl rɪ'si:v 'mʌnɪ gr] |
check in [ʧɛk ɪn] |
clear customs [klɪə(r) 'kʌstəmz] |
check in [ʧɛk ɪn] |
kick off the briefing [kɪk ɔf ðə 'bri:fɪŋ] |
check in [ʧɛk ɪn] |
check in [ʧɛk ɪn] |