Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
tracing ['treɪsɪŋ] |
tracing paper |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
expire [ɪk'spaɪə(r)] |
explode [ɪks'pləud] |
dally ['dælɪ] |
run out of [rʌn aut ɔv] |
wast time [wast taɪm] |
missing out ['mɪsɪŋ aut] |
a waste of | |
losing weight ['lju:zɪŋ weɪt] |
waste time [weɪst taɪm] |
to be at a low | |
lose consciousness [lu:z 'kɔnʃəsnəs] |
to lose one's head/temper [tu lu:z wʌnz hɛd 'tɛmpə(r)] |
lose temper [lu:z 'tɛmpə(r)] |
lose heart [lu:z hɑ:t] |
lose one's mind [lu:z wʌnz maɪnd] |
to lose one's temper [tu lu:z wʌnz 'tɛmpə(r)] |
lose a grip | |
waste one's time [weɪst wʌnz taɪm] |
lose track | |
forfeit ['fɔ:fɪt] |
lost appetite | |
We're wasting time [wi:r 'weɪstɪŋ taɪm] |
waste money [weɪst 'mʌnɪ] |
to lose the chance | |
to lose hope | |
to lose a jub | |
to lose a job | |
terminate ['tə:məneɪt] |
get out of breath [gɛt aut ɔv brɛθ] |
Losing ['lju:zɪŋ] |
I was losing all hope when | |
lose lost lost [lu:z lɔst lɔst] |
flag [flæg] |
lose strenght | |
have a rush of blood to the head [hæv ə rʌʃ ɔv blʌd tu ðə hɛd] |
to lose | |
lose weight [lu:z weɪt] |
shed [ʃɛd] |
waste time [weɪst taɪm] |
keep losing | |
waste [weɪst] |
lose temper with sb [lu:z 'tɛmpə(r) wɪð 'sʌmbədɪ] |
depreciate [dɪp'ri:ʃɪeɪt] |
lose, lost, lost [lu:z lɔst lɔst] |
tarnish ['tɑ:nɪʃ] |
lose connection [lu:z kə'nɛkʃən] |
lose signal [lu:z 'sɪgnl] |
miss [mɪs] |
clink [klɪŋk] |
expire [ɪk'spaɪə(r)] |
temper ['tɛmpə(r)] |
lapsed [læpst] |
lose/ gain momentum [lu:z geɪn mə'mɛntəm] |
lose favour [lu:z feɪvə(r)] |
lose my mind [lu:z maɪ maɪnd] |
lose sb's licence for life [lu:z sb's 'laɪsɪns fɔ:(r) laɪf] |
lose sales [lu:z seɪlz] |
lose your grip [lu:z jɔ:(r) grɪp] |
lose temper [lu:z 'tɛmpə(r)] |
lose your grip on [lu:z jɔ:(r) grɪp ɔn] |
to lose self-control [tu lu:z sɛlf kən'trəul] |
lose, lost, lost [lu:z lɔst lɔst] |
nudge his back [nʌʤ hɪz bæk] |
he's losing his hair [he's 'lju:zɪŋ hɪz hɛə(r)] |
lose-lost-lost [lu:z lɔst lɔst] |
lose your temper [lu:z jɔ:(r) 'tɛmpə(r)] |
spend too much money [spɛnd tu: mʌʧ 'mʌnɪ] |
miss a go [mɪs ə gəu] |
lose control [lu:z kən'trəul] |
drop in value [drɔp ɪn 'vælju:] |
lose one's nerve [lu:z wʌnz nə:v] |
lose their habitat [lu:z ðɛə(r) 'hæbətæt] |
lose lost lost [lu:z lɔst lɔst] |
losing authority ['lju:zɪŋ ɔ:'θɔrɪtɪ] |
you waste your time buttering me up [ju: weɪst jɔ:(r) taɪm buttering mi: ʌp] |
waste time on sth [weɪst taɪm ɔn 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
to waste [tu weɪst] |
lose touch [lu:z tʌʧ] |
loose lost [lu:s lɔst] |
waste time doing sth [weɪst taɪm 'du:ɪŋ 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
lose [lu:z] |