Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
file [faɪl] |
file name [faɪl neɪm] |
fill [fɪl] |
fill in [fɪl ɪn] |
filling ['fɪlɪŋ] |
film [fɪlm] |
film star [fɪlm stɑ:] |
filter ['fɪltə(r)] |
filterscreen | |
filth [fɪlθ] |
filthy ['fɪlθɪ] |
fill up with sth [fɪl ʌp wɪð 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
fill someone in | |
file [faɪl] |
film be over | |
fill in a form [fɪl ɪn ə fɔ:m] |
film director [fɪlm dər'ɛktə(r)] |
fill dizzy [fɪl 'dɪzɪ] |
fillet ['fɪlɪt] |
fill-in | |
fill out [fɪl aut] |
fill up with petrol [fɪl ʌp wɪð 'pɛtrəl] |
film based on ... [fɪlm beɪst ɔn] |
fill in for sb [fɪl ɪn fɔ:(r) 'sʌmbədɪ] |
film premiere [fɪlm pre'mɪr] |
filing cabinet ['fɪlɪŋ 'kæbɪnɪt] |
file [faɪl] |
filming ['fɪlmɪŋ] |
filming ['fɪlmɪŋ] |
file for divorce [faɪl fɔ:(r) dɪ'vɔ:s] |
film set [fɪlm sɛt] |
filing ['fɪlɪŋ] |
film production | |
file [faɪl] |
filthy air ['fɪlθɪ ɛə(r)] |
fill something | |
fill in the gaps [fɪl ɪn ðə gæps] |
filthy ['fɪlθɪ] |
fill in with petrol | |
filling ['fɪlɪŋ] |
file a complaint [faɪl ə kəm'pleɪnt] |
film based on a book | |
film based on a true story [fɪlm beɪst ɔn ə tru: 'stɔ:rɪ] |
filled [fɪld] |
filing system | |
film addict | |
file [faɪl] |
Film College | |
filed trip [faɪld trɪp] |
film festival [fɪlm 'fɛstəvəl] |
film-fan [fɪlm fæn] |
film award [fɪlm ə'wɔ:d] |
filling cabinet ['fɪlɪŋ 'kæbɪnɪt] |
filing tray | |
filling tray | |
filmmaker ['fɪlmeɪkə(r)] |
film/movie/picture [fɪlm 'mu:vɪ 'pɪkʧə(r)] |
fill up [fɪl ʌp] |
fill your thoot | |
filling station ['fɪlɪŋ 'steɪʃən] |
filler ['fɪlə(r)] |
fill in on | |
file [faɪl] |
file [faɪl] |
film [fɪlm] |
fill an order [fɪl ən 'ɔ:də(r)] |
film footage [fɪlm 'futɪʤ] |
fill in [fɪl ɪn] |
fill in [fɪl ɪn] |
fill up the tank [fɪl ʌp ðə tæŋk] |
filters on chimney | |
fill [fɪl] |
fill in [fɪl ɪn] |
fills our pubs | |
fill up [fɪl ʌp] |
filtration [fɪl'treɪʃən] |
file sth with | |
filter coffee ['fɪltə(r) 'kɔfɪ] |
file a patent | |
film (n) | |
film (v) [fɪlm vi:] |
filmed on location [fɪlmd ɔn lə'keɪʃən] |
film cast | |
file up one by one | |
fill up [fɪl ʌp] |
filling ['fɪlɪŋ] |
file suit | |
film [fɪlm] |
filthy ['fɪlθɪ] |
film industry [fɪlm 'ɪndəstrɪ] |
film rating | |
file any claims | |
film club | |
file clerk | |
file [faɪl] |
fill in a prescription [fɪl ɪn ə prɪ'skrɪpʃən] |
fill up [fɪl ʌp] |
film / theatre academy | |
film is set | |
film review [fɪlm ri'vju:] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
action film ['ækʃən fɪlm] |
cartoonfilm | |
cup [kʌp] |
documentary [dɑkju'mɛntərɪ] |
film [fɪlm] |
filter ['fɪltə(r)] |
filterscreen | |
love story [lʌv 'stɔ:rɪ] |
newsreel ['nju:zri:l] |
philatelist [philatelist] |
philately | |
philological | |
philologist [philologist] |
philology | |
philosopher [fɪ'lɔsəfə(r)] |
philosophy [wɪz] |
stampcollecting | |
stampcollector | |
talkie ['tɔ:kɪ] |
teacup ['ti:kp] |
wag [wæg] |
science-fiction film ['saɪəns 'fɪkʃən fɪlm] |
adventure film [æd'vɛnʧə(r) fɪlm] |
nature film ['neɪʧə(r) fɪlm] |
film be over | |
cups [kʌps] |
fillet ['fɪlɪt] |
pornographic film | |
disaster movie [dɪ'zæstə(r) 'mu:vɪ] |
feature film ['fi:ʧə(r) fɪlm] |
film based on ... [fɪlm beɪst ɔn] |
branch [brɑ:nʧ] |
dramas ['drɔməz] |
The film starts at 6 oclock. | |
cup of coffee [kʌp ɔv 'kɔfɪ] |
filming ['fɪlmɪŋ] |
third-rate [θə:d reɪt] |
philosophical [fɪlɪ'sɔfɪkl] |
cup of tea [kʌp ɔv ti:] |
chick flick [ʧɪk flɪk] |
film based on a book | |
film based on a true story [fɪlm beɪst ɔn ə tru: 'stɔ:rɪ] |
sci-fi (science fiction) film [si: faɪ 'saɪəns 'fɪkʃən fɪlm] |
documentaries [dɔkju'mɛntərɪz] |
comedies ['kəmi:dɪz] |
historical film [hɪ'stɔrɪkl fɪlm] |
action movie ['ækʃən 'mu:vɪ] |
pillar ['pɪlə(r)] |
clustered pier | |
oil strainer [ɔɪl strainer] |
detective film [dɪ'tɛktɪv fɪlm] |
thriller ['θrɪlə(r)] |
colour film ['kʌlə(r) fɪlm] |
black and white film [blæk ænd waɪt fɪlm] |
cartoon film [kɑ:'tu:n fɪlm] |
documentary film [dɑkju'mɛntərɪ fɪlm] |
mechanical filter | |
nature films | |
adventure films | |
action movies | |
sitcoms ['sɪtkɑmz] |
biopics | |
action-film | |
detective flm | |
adventure/action film [æd'vɛnʧə(r) 'ækʃən fɪlm] |
film/movie/picture [fɪlm 'mu:vɪ 'pɪkʧə(r)] |
box-office hit | |
The movie is only forty minutes long | |
cup [kʌp] |
sci -fi [si: faɪ] |
sci-fi film [si: faɪ fɪlm] |
adventure [æd'vɛnʧə(r)] |
cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n] |
blue movie | |
documentary [dɑkju'mɛntərɪ] |
cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n] |
philharmonic [fɪlhɑr'mɔnɪk] |
crime film [kraɪm fɪlm] |
war film [wɔ:(r) fɪlm] |
filters on chimney | |
sunblock [sunblock] |
a blue movie/film [ə blu: 'mu:vɪ fɪlm] |
filtration [fɪl'treɪʃən] |
coffee cup ['kɔfɪ kʌp] |
biopic [biopic] |
film (n) | |
film (v) [fɪlm vi:] |
movie ['mu:vɪ] |
science fiction film ['saɪəns 'fɪkʃən fɪlm] |
filmed on location [fɪlmd ɔn lə'keɪʃən] |
art house film | |
dubbed film [dʌbd fɪlm] |
a cup of coffee [ə kʌp ɔv 'kɔfɪ] |
historical drama [hɪ'stɔrɪkl 'drɑ:mə] |
documentary movie | |
film [fɪlm] |
movie ['mu:vɪ] |
shoot [ʃu:t] |
the film made me cry | |
adventure film [æd'vɛnʧə(r) fɪlm] |