Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
unwilling [ʌn'wɪlɪŋ] |
I haven't got the time or the wish | |
I havent got the time or the wish | |
i don't feel like it [aɪ dəunt fi:l laɪk ɪt] |
I don't feel like [aɪ dəunt fi:l laɪk] |
I don't feel like ..... | |
not willing to perform [nɔt 'wɪlɪŋ tu pə'fɔ:m] |
reluctant to go [rɪ'lʌktənt tu gəu] |
to worm your way out of sth [tu wə:m jɔ:(r) weɪ aut ɔv 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
anxious ['æŋkʃəs] |
I'm not keen on going [I'm nɔt ki:n ɔn 'gəuɪŋ] |
I don't fancy that [aɪ don't 'fænsɪ ðæt] |
can't be bothered to do sth [can't bi: 'bɔðə(r)d tu du: 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
can't be bothered [can't bi: 'bɔðə(r)d] |
I don [aɪ dɔn] |
to be unwilling to do sth [tu bi: ʌn'wɪlɪŋ tu du: 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
I don't feel like going to the cinema tonight [aɪ don't fi:l laɪk 'gəuɪŋ tu ðə 'sɪnəmə tə'naɪt] |
I'm not keen on going [I'm nɔt ki:n ɔn 'gəuɪŋ] |
I'm not keen on [I'm nɔt ki:n ɔn] |
when you fancy a snack [wɛn ju: 'fænsɪ ə snæk] |
I don't like feel like - ING [aɪ dəunt laɪk fi:l laɪk ɪŋ] |
I don't feel like leaving yet. [aɪ dəunt fi:l laɪk 'li:vɪŋ jɛt] |
I don't feel like explaining. [aɪ dəunt fi:l laɪk ɪk'spleɪnɪŋ] |
I don't feel like going to bed. [aɪ dəunt fi:l laɪk 'gəuɪŋ tu bɛd] |
I do not feel like we are going in the right direction. [aɪ du: nɔt fi:l laɪk wi: ɑ:(r) 'gəuɪŋ ɪn ðə raɪt dər'ɛkʃən] |
if you don't feel like it or if you don't find a group, you can... [ɪf ju: don’t fi:l laɪk ɪt ɔ:(r) ɪf ju: don’t faɪnd ə gru:p ju: kæn] |
I don't have any desire to [aɪ don’t hæv 'ɛnɪ dɪ'zaɪə(r) tu] |
I don't feel like getting up [aɪ dəunt fi:l laɪk 'gɛtɪŋ ʌp] |
I don't have any desire to do it [aɪ dəunt hæv 'ɛnɪ dɪ'zaɪə(r) tu du: ɪt] |
I've no desire to stay where I'm not welcome [aɪv nəu dɪ'zaɪə(r) tu steɪ wɛə(r) aɪm nɔt 'wɛlkəm] |
develop a desire [dɪ'vɛləp ə dɪ'zaɪə(r)] |
I have absolutely no desire to go in core [aɪ hæv æbsə'lu:tlɪ nəu dɪ'zaɪə(r) tu gəu ɪn kɔ:(r)] |
I don't have any particular desire to clean this mess / see this movie [aɪ dəunt hæv 'ɛnɪ pər'tɪkjulə(r) dɪ'zaɪə(r) tu kli:n ðɪs mɛs si: ðɪs 'mu:vɪ] |
I don't feel like getting involved in this [aɪ dəunt fi:l laɪk 'gɛtɪŋ ɪn'vɔlvd ɪn ðɪs] |
I don't feel like going out. [aɪ dəunt fi:l laɪk 'gəuɪŋ aut] |