Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
I feel fine [aɪ fi:l faɪn] |
you feel save | |
Im feeling better already. [ɪm 'fi:lɪŋ 'bɛtə(r) ɔ:l'rɛdɪ] |
feel very | |
feel it in my bones [fi:l ɪt ɪn maɪ bəunz] |
I don't feel very well | |
I feel you [aɪ fi:l ju:] |
I feel great [aɪ fi:l greɪt] |
I feel an ache in my arm | |
Can you feel my finger? | |
you are feeling bad about that | |
I feel drowsy [aɪ fi:l 'drauzɪ] |
i'm feeling low today [aɪm 'fi:lɪŋ ləu tə'deɪ] |
I feel bad [aɪ fi:l bæd] |
I feel down [aɪ fi:l daun] |
I feel miserable. | |
I'm fine. [aɪm faɪn] |
I feel committed. | |
makes me feel alive [meɪks mi: fi:l ə'laɪv] |
I feel sleepy [aɪ fi:l 'sli:pɪ] |
I feel wolly-minded [aɪ fi:l wolly 'maɪndəd] |
feel that [fi:l ðæt] |
I feel compelled to remind you [aɪ fi:l kəm'pɛld tu rɪ'maɪnd ju:] |
i'm fine thank you [i'm faɪn θæŋk ju:] |
I don't feel we should [aɪ don't fi:l wi: ʃud] |
I feel terrible / awful [aɪ fi:l 'tɛrɪbl 'ɔfəl] |
I feel awful [aɪ fi:l 'ɔfəl] |
I feel hungry. Let's have something to eat [aɪ fi:l 'hʌŋgrɪ Let's hæv 'sʌmθɪŋ tu i:t] |
make you feel welcome [meɪk ju: fi:l 'wɛlkəm] |
I feel fulfilled in my job [aɪ fi:l ful'fɪld ɪn maɪ ʤɔb] |
I fell fain. [aɪ fɛl feɪn] |
I fill more at home with [aɪ fɪl mɔ:(r) æt həum wɪð] |
I feel that my English is improving. [aɪ fi:l ðæt maɪ 'ɪŋglɪʃ ɪz ɪm'pru:vɪŋ] |
Do you feel like starting our discussion? With pleasure [du: ju: fi:l laɪk 'stɑ:tɪŋ 'auə(r) dɪs'kʌʃən wɪð 'plɛʒə(r)] |
I feel so relaxed after this massage with aromatic oils [aɪ fi:l səu rɪ'lækst 'ɑ:ftə(r) ðɪs mə'sɔʒ wɪð ɛrə'mætɪk ɔɪlz] |
I feel so uncertain [aɪ fi:l səu ʌn'sə:tn] |
I feel very insecure [aɪ fi:l 'vɛrɪ 'ɪnsɪkjə(r)] |
I feel so run down [aɪ fi:l səu rʌn daun] |
My legs feel weak [maɪ lɛgz fi:l wi:k] |
I feel ill [aɪ fi:l ɪl] |
you feel [ju: fi:l] |
I feel a bit tense and stiff [aɪ fi:l ə bɪt tɛns ænd stɪf] |
I really feel free [aɪ 'rɪlɪ fi:l fri:] |
I feel that [aɪ fi:l ðæt] |
I feel good [aɪ fi:l gud] |
I feel bad about missing a party [aɪ fi:l bæd ə'baut 'mɪsɪŋ ə 'pɑ:tɪ] |
I feel a bit nervous [aɪ fi:l ə bɪt 'nə:vəs] |
I am on top of the world [aɪ æm ɔn tɔp ɔv ðə wə:ld] |
I feel lousy [aɪ fi:l 'lauzɪ] |
I feel i must protest about [aɪ fi:l aɪ mʌst 'prəutɛst ə'baut] |
I feel terrible [aɪ fi:l 'tɛrɪbl] |
you feel chills up [ju: fi:l ʧɪlz ʌp] |
I feel butterflies in my stomach. [aɪ fi:l 'bʌtərflaɪz ɪn maɪ 'stʌmək] |
I feel rather awkward [aɪ fi:l 'ræðə(r) 'ɔkwərd] |
if you safe [ɪf ju: seɪf] |
I feel safe [aɪ fi:l seɪf] |
I feel a little bit awkward [aɪ fi:l ə 'lɪtl bɪt 'ɔkwərd] |
Im on top of the world [ɪm ɔn tɔp ɔv ðə wə:ld] |
I feel good. [aɪ fi:l gud] |
I'm good, and you? [aɪm gud ænd ju:] |
Do you feel better? [du: ju: fi:l 'bɛtə(r)] |
Feeling lost and feeling blue ['fi:lɪŋ lɔst ænd 'fi:lɪŋ blu:] |
I feel very weak today. [aɪ fi:l 'vɛrɪ wi:k tə'deɪ] |
i feel safe here [aɪ fi:l seɪf hɪr] |
I am good! How are you? [aɪ æm gud hau ɑ:(r) ju:] |
I feel like having friends over to my house. [aɪ fi:l laɪk 'hævɪŋ frɛndz 'əuvə(r) tu maɪ haus] |
I'm feeling... [aɪm 'fi:lɪŋ] |
I'm feeling depressed [aɪm 'fi:lɪŋ dɪ'prɛst] |
I'm great [aɪm greɪt] |
I'm feeling a bit dizzy after wrapping a pallet [aɪm 'fi:lɪŋ ə bɪt 'dɪzɪ 'ɑ:ftə(r) 'ræpɪŋ ə 'pælɪt] |
I feel you would be well suited for it [aɪ fi:l ju: wud bi: wɛl 'sju:təd fɔ:(r) ɪt] |
I feel terrible about this [aɪ fi:l 'tɛrɪbl ə'baut ðɪs] |
I sense that he will not listen to reason [aɪ sɛns ðæt hi: wɪl nɔt 'lɪsɪn tu 'ri:zn] |
I feel really bad today. I'm going to call in sick [aɪ fi:l 'rɪlɪ bæd tə'deɪ aɪm 'gəuɪŋ tu kɔ:l ɪn sɪk] |
I feel resentment towards her [aɪ fi:l rɪ'zɛntmənt tə'wɔ:dz hə:(r)] |
I feel obliged to point out that current affairs are of delicate nature [aɪ fi:l əb'laɪʤd tu pɔɪnt aut ðæt 'kə:ənt ə'fɛrz ɑ:(r) ɔv 'dɛləkɪt 'neɪʧə(r)] |
She feels very uneasy in his presence [ʃi: fi:lz 'vɛrɪ ʌn'i:zɪ ɪn hɪz 'prɛzns] |
I feel superfluous here [aɪ fi:l 'sju:pərflws hɪr] |
I'm fine [aɪm faɪn] |
I feel guilty for not thinking of that sooner [aɪ fi:l 'gɪltɪ fɔ:(r) nɔt 'θɪŋkɪŋ ɔv ðæt 'su:nə(r)] |
I feel it won't make much of a difference [aɪ fi:l ɪt wəunt meɪk mʌʧ ɔv ə 'dɪfərəns] |
I feel rotten [aɪ fi:l 'rɔtn] |
I fell light [aɪ fɛl laɪt] |
I feel that I would do a good job managing people [aɪ fi:l ðæt aɪ wud du: ə gud ʤɔb 'mænəʤɪŋ 'pi:pl] |
it feels like a weight off my shoulders [ɪt fi:lz laɪk ə weɪt ɔf maɪ 'ʃəuldərz] |
I'm sensing you're hiding something [aɪm 'sɛnsɪŋ jur 'haɪdɪŋ 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
I have a feeling I'm gonna regret this [aɪ hæv ə 'fi:lɪŋ aɪm 'gɔnə rɪg'rɛt ðɪs] |