Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
communicate to sb [kə'mju:nɪkeɪt] |
consign [kən'saɪn] |
pass on [pɑ:s ɔn] |
hand down [hænd daun] |
Please pass my best wishes on to your sister [pli:z pɑ:s maɪ bɛst 'wɪʃɪz ɔn tu jɔ:(r) 'sɪstə(r)] |
to extend to you an invitation [tu ɪk'stɛnd tu ju: ən ɪnvɪ'teɪʃən] |
give my best wishes | |
hand over [hænd 'əuvə(r)] |
Give my regards Jim. | |
Give my love to your parents. [gɪv maɪ lʌv tu jɔ:(r) 'pɛərənts] |
sound transmitter | |
voice transmitter | |
to give by law [tu gɪv baɪ lɔ:] |
bank draft [bæŋk dræft] |
delegating tasks ['dɛləgeɪtɪŋ tæsks] |
hand on [hænd ɔn] |
pass on to [pɑ:s ɔn tu] |
pass responsibility on to ... | |
push authority down the line [puʃ ɔ:'θɔrɪtɪ daun ðə laɪn] |
relay ['ri:leɪ] |
pass on [pɑ:s ɔn] |
communication [kəmju:nɪ'keɪʃən] |
hand in [hænd ɪn] |
give my regards to your parents [gɪv maɪ rɪ'gɑ:dz tu jɔ:(r) 'pɛərənts] |
give my best wishes to your family | |
break to | |
pass something on | |
convey [kən'veɪ] |
bank draft [bæŋk dræft] |
tipp off | |
transferred from Scotland to Sweden to receive tre | |
communication [kəmju:nɪ'keɪʃən] |
contribute money | |
pass sth down | |
I will pass on to him the message. | |
convalery information | |
handed over ['hændəd 'əuvə(r)] |
contribute [kən'trɪbju:t] |
pass it on to sb [pɑ:s ɪt ɔn tu 'sʌmbədɪ] |
Give my love to [gɪv maɪ lʌv tu] |
take a message [teɪk ə 'mɛsɪʤ] |
provide [prə'vaɪd] |
transmitor | |
to pass on a message [tu pɑ:s ɔn ə 'mɛsɪʤ] |
transmitter [træn'smɪtə(r)] |
take [teɪk] |
to hand over the goods into the charge of a freight forwarder [tu hænd 'əuvə(r) ðə gudz 'ɪntu ðə ʧɑ:ʤ ɔv ə freɪt 'fɔ:wərdə(r)] |
I will pass on the message to Mrs Swithson | |
give me regards/ love to your parents/ Jim | |
I will give Sarah the books if she's at school tomorrow. | |
money order ['mʌnɪ 'ɔ:də(r)] |
handing complaint | |
passing on ['pæsɪŋ ɔn] |
postal order ['pəustl 'ɔ:də(r)] |
remittance of debt | |
transwer data | |
communicated [kə'mju:nəkeɪtɪd] |
chip in | |
turn sth over to sb [tə:n 'sʌmθɪŋ 'əuvə(r) tu 'sʌmbədɪ] |
convey [kən'veɪ] |
impart [ɪm'pɑ:t] |
convey | |
pass on the message | |
bounce back information [bauns bæk ɪnfər'meɪʃən] |
pass down [pɑ:s daun] |
break it/the news (to sb/of sth) | |
the transfer actually occurs | |
money transfer form ['mʌnɪ træn'sfə: fɔ:m] |
hand sth down to sb [hænd 'sʌmθɪŋ daun tu 'sʌmbədɪ] |
break news [breɪk nju:z] |
convey [kən'veɪ] |
pass sth to sb [pɑ:s 'sʌmθɪŋ tu 'sʌmbədɪ] |
to hand [tu hænd] |
convey a message [kən'veɪ ə 'mɛsɪʤ] |
to convey a message [tu kən'veɪ ə 'mɛsɪʤ] |
devolution [dɛvə'lu:ʃən] |
passed as a method argument [pæst æz ə 'mɛθəd 'ɑ:gjumənt] |
put sth over [put 'sʌmθɪŋ 'əuvə(r)] |
handed down ['hændəd daun] |
convey [kən'veɪ] |
relay ['ri:leɪ] |
hand over to [hænd 'əuvə(r) tu] |
pass sth on [pɑ:s 'sʌmθɪŋ ɔn] |
I'll give him/her a message. [aɪl gɪv hɪm hə:(r) ə 'mɛsɪʤ] |
forward an email ['fɔ:wəd ən ɪ'meɪl] |
convey [kən'veɪ] |
conveyed [kən'veɪd] |
transmitting messages [træn'smɪtɪŋ 'mɛsɪʤəz] |
hand over sth to sb [hænd 'əuvə(r) 'sʌmθɪŋ tu 'sʌmbədɪ] |
take the matter further [teɪk ðə 'mætə(r) 'fə:ðə(r)] |
remit [rɪ'mɪt] |
handed over ['hændəd 'əuvə(r)] |
transmits them to the foundations [træn'zmɪts ðɛm tu ðə faun'deɪʃənz] |
hand power to the opposition [hænd 'pauə(r) tu ðə ɔpə'zɪʃən] |
I will give him your message [aɪ wɪl gɪv hɪm jɔ:(r) 'mɛsɪʤ] |
convey [kən'veɪ] |
handover ['hændəvə(r)] |
communicate to [kə'mju:nɪkeɪt tu] |
division [dɪ'vɪʒən] |
the key return [ðə ki: rɪ'tə:n] |