Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
promptitude [promptitude] |
quickly ['kwɪklɪ] |
speedily ['spi:dəlɪ] |
speedometer [spɪ'dɔmɪtə(r)] |
velocity [və'lɔsɪtɪ] |
speed sped sped [spi:d spɛd spɛd] |
make fast recovery [meɪk fɑ:st rɪ'kʌvrɪ] |
pressure cooker ['prɛʃə(r) 'kukə(r)] |
apace [ə'peɪs] |
promptness | |
with promptness | |
make a good [meɪk ə gud] |
make a good recovery [meɪk ə gud rɪ'kʌvrɪ] |
toss back [tɔs bæk] |
to expend rapidly | |
corrosion rate | |
fast-growing | |
FAST RECOVERY [fɑ:st rɪ'kʌvrɪ] |
out run | |
fast-paced [fɑ:st peɪst] |
puls rate | |
fastest-growing ['fæstɪst 'grəuɪŋ] |
fastest -growing ['fæstɪst 'grəuɪŋ] |
rapidity [rɪ'pɪdɪtɪ] |
mushroom ['mʌʃrum] |
increased rapidly | |
to be a quick learner [tu bi: ə kwɪk 'lə:nə(r)] |
Quick! [kwɪk] |
at the drop of a hat [æt ðə drɔp ɔv ə hæt] |
fastmoving | |
knock up [nɔk ʌp] |
I learn very quickly | |
hit it off with | |
quickness | |
rushed to hospital [rʌʃt tu 'hɔspɪtl] |
fast [fɑ:st] |
to be quick on the uptake [tu bi: kwɪk ɔn ðə 'ʌpteɪk] |
whip up some snacks [wɪp ʌp sʌm snæks] |
make a speedy recovery [meɪk ə 'spi:dɪ rɪ'kʌvrɪ] |
fly fast [flaɪ fɑ:st] |
to jump at the opportunity [tu ʤʌmp æt ðə ɔpə'tju:nɪtɪ] |
bolt sth down [bəult 'sʌmθɪŋ daun] |
booming industry ['bju:mɪŋ 'ɪndəstrɪ] |
initial speed [ɪ'nɪʃl spi:d] |
rapidly - changing ['ræpədlɪ 'ʧeɪnʤɪŋ] |
apace [ə'peɪs] |
to pop [tu pɔp] |
rate of fire [reɪt ɔv 'faɪə(r)] |
rapidly = quickly = speedily ['ræpədlɪ = 'kwɪklɪ = 'spi:dəlɪ] |
soaring ['sɔ:ɪŋ] |
rapidly / quickly / speedily ['ræpədlɪ 'kwɪklɪ 'spi:dəlɪ] |
decisive more decisive the most decisive [dɪ'saɪsɪv mɔ:(r) dɪ'saɪsɪv ðə məust dɪ'saɪsɪv] |
make a good; fast recovery [meɪk ə gud fɑ:st rɪ'kʌvrɪ] |
rapidly ['ræpədlɪ] |
metabolic rate [mɛtə'bɔlɪk reɪt] |
run through sth [rʌn θru: 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
clicked with sb [klɪkt wɪð 'sʌmbədɪ] |
quickly wear down ['kwɪklɪ wɛə(r) daun] |
quick [kwɪk] |
clicked with sb [klɪkt wɪð 'sʌmbədɪ] |
make a fast recovery [meɪk ə fɑ:st rɪ'kʌvrɪ] |
to be a fast learner [tu bi: ə fɑ:st 'lə:nə(r)] |
You'll soon get the hang of it. [You'll su:n gɛt ðə hæŋ ɔv ɪt] |
Quick [kwɪk] |
fast moving environment [fɑ:st 'mu:vɪŋ ɪn'vaɪərnmənt] |
is rising fast [ɪz 'raɪzɪŋ fɑ:st] |
whisk [wɪsk] |
speed [spi:d] |
think of one's feet [θɪŋk ɔv one's fi:t] |
rapidly ['ræpədlɪ] |
soar [sɔ:(r)] |
think on one's feet [θɪŋk ɔn wʌnz fi:t] |
read quickly [rɛd 'kwɪklɪ] |
fast-drying [fɑ:st 'draɪɪŋ] |
fast and flexible. [fɑ:st ænd 'flɛksɪbl] |
make a good [meɪk ə gud] |
rapidly grow ['ræpədlɪ grəu] |
Quickly, take out the camera and make sure you turn off the flash. ['kwɪklɪ teɪk aut ðə 'kæmərə ænd meɪk ʃuə(r) ju: tə:n ɔf ðə flæʃ] |
speed [spi:d] |
swiftly ['swɪftlɪ] |
quickly as ['kwɪklɪ æz] |
I'm rapidly losing whatever patience I had left [aɪm 'ræpədlɪ 'lju:zɪŋ w'tɛvə(r) 'peɪʃns aɪ hæd lɛft] |
fast drying [fɑ:st 'draɪɪŋ] |
that got around fast [ðæt gɔt ər'aund fɑ:st] |
I'm a quick learner [aɪm ə kwɪk 'lə:nə(r)] |
fast growing [fɑ:st 'grəuɪŋ] |
Proliferate (verb): To increase rapidly in numbers; multiply or reproduce rapidly. [prə'lɪfəreɪt və:b tu ɪn'kri:s 'ræpədlɪ ɪn 'nʌmbərz 'mʌltɪplaɪ ɔ:(r) ri:prə'dju:s 'ræpədlɪ] |
quick learner [kwɪk 'lə:nə(r)] |
I soon came to realise that [aɪ su:n keɪm tu realise ðæt] |
quick-moving [kwɪk 'mu:vɪŋ] |
you'll get bored quickly [jju:l gɛt bɔ:d 'kwɪklɪ] |