Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"każdą" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
each community contributes
Any Road That You Take
every job
Every person in this group is playing an instrument.
['ɛvrɪ 'pə:sɪn ɪn ðɪs gru:p ɪz 'pleɪɪŋ ən 'ɪnstrumənt]
Each person is playing a different type of instrument.
[i:ʧ 'pə:sɪn ɪz 'pleɪɪŋ ə 'dɪfərənt taɪp ɔv 'ɪnstrumənt]
Every person in this room is a co-worker.
['ɛvrɪ 'pə:sɪn ɪn ðɪs ru:m ɪz ə kəu 'wə:kə(r)]
Each group has four co-workers.
[i:ʧ gru:p hæz fɔ:(r) kəu 'wə:kərz]
Every bowl is full of apples.
['ɛvrɪ bəul ɪz ful ɔv 'æpəlz]
Each bowl has two green apples.
[i:ʧ bəul hæz tju: gri:n 'æpəlz]
Every book on the shelf is red.
['ɛvrɪ buk ɔn ðə ʃɛlf ɪz rɛd]
Each book is a different size.
[i:ʧ buk ɪz ə 'dɪfərənt saɪz]
every being is recognized to be a buddha who only needs to discover his essence
each person / every person
[i:ʧ 'pə:sɪn 'ɛvrɪ 'pə:sɪn]
each party
[i:ʧ 'pɑ:tɪ]
Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.
['feɪljə(r) ɪz ðə ɔpə'tju:nɪtɪ tu bɪ'gɪn ə'gɛn mɔ:(r) ɪn'tɛlɪʤəntlɪ]
a vessel
[ə 'vɛsl]
any excuse
['ɛnɪ ɪks'kju:s]
Any handsome sum of money will be welcome.
['ɛnɪ 'hænsəm sʌm ɔv 'mʌnɪ wɪl bi: 'wɛlkəm]
Every second is important in the middle of a race, so everyone moves quickly and works together as a team.
['ɛvrɪ 'sɛkənd ɪz ɪm'pɔ:tnt ɪn ðə 'mɪdl ɔv ə reɪs səu 'ɛvrɪwʌn mju:vz 'kwɪklɪ ænd wə:ks tə'gɛ]
each person
[i:ʧ 'pə:sɪn]
any port in a storm
['ɛnɪ pɔ:t ɪn ə stɔ:m]
any advice would be much appreciated
['ɛnɪ əd'vaɪs wud bi: mʌʧ əp'ri:ʃɪeɪtɪd]
every single Polish comedy is funny
['ɛvrɪ 'sɪŋgl 'pɔlɪʃ 'kɔmɪdɪ ɪz 'fʌnɪ]
Any person can enter the competition
['ɛnɪ 'pə:sɪn kæn 'ɛntə(r) ðə kɔmpə'tɪʃən]
Each one of vacuum presses produced by us is made to individual customer's order
[i:ʧ wʌn ɔv 'vækjum 'prɛsɪz prə'du:st baɪ ʌs ɪz meɪd tu ɪndɪ'vɪʤuəl 'kʌstəmərz 'ɔ:də(r)]

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