Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"yester" w języku angielskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
yesterday at midday
yesterday's issue
yesterday at 11 i was fiszing
yesterday I went to the Gdańsk's City Hall
yesterday evening .
yesterday morning
['jɛstərdeɪ 'mɔ:nɪŋ]
Yesterday she was in Paris
Yesterday it rained all morning. It stopped at lunch time
yesterday's winner
Yesterday we saw the Colosseum.
['jɛstərdeɪ wi: sɔ: ðə kɑlɪ'si:əm]
Yesterday there were four patients in the hospital
['jɛstərdeɪ ðɛə(r) wə:(r) fɔ:(r) 'peɪʃənts ɪn ðə 'hɔspɪtl]
Yesterday at 4 o'clock he was still sleeping.
['jɛstərdeɪ æt 4 o'clock hi: wɔz stɪl 'sli:pɪŋ]
Yesterday Poland embarrassed itself.
['jɛstərdeɪ 'pəulənd ɪm'bærəst ɪt'sɛlf]
Yesterday evening I visited my friends.
['jɛstərdeɪ 'i:vnɪŋ aɪ 'vɪzətəd maɪ frɛndz]
Yesterday polish team was close to winning the match.
['jɛstərdeɪ 'pɔlɪʃ ti:m wɔz kləus tu 'wɪnɪŋ ðə mæʧ]
Yesterday program show finished.
['jɛstərdeɪ 'prəugræm ʃəu 'fɪnɪʃt]
Yesterday we visited/hired a car and.../ went on a boat ride.
['jɛstərdeɪ wi: 'vɪzətəd 'haɪərd ə kɑ:(r) ænd wɛnt ɔn ə bəut raɪd]
yesterday it was being repaired
['jɛstərdeɪ ɪt wɔz 'bi:ɪŋ rɪ'pɛrd]
Yesterday I saw a tall blonde in the street . It must have been Sally
['jɛstərdeɪ aɪ sɔ: ə tɔ:l blɔnd ɪn ðə stri:t ɪt mʌst hæv bɪ:n 'sælɪ]
Yesterday's game was great
[jʌŋ 'pleɪə(r) wɪl pleɪ ɔn ðə 'steɪdɪəm]
Yesterday I went to the library, next I had a swim, later I met Julie for coffee.
['jɛstərdeɪ aɪ wɛnt tu ðə 'laɪbrɛrɪ nɛkst aɪ hæd ə swɪm 'leɪtə(r) aɪ mɛt 'ʤu:lɪ fɔ:(r) 'kɔfɪ]
yesterday i was at my office
['jɛstərdeɪ aɪ wɔz æt maɪ 'ɔfɪs]
Yesterday, I was very sleepy.
['jɛstərdeɪ aɪ wɔz 'vɛrɪ 'sli:pɪ]
Yesterday. I was very sleepy.
['jɛstərdeɪ aɪ wɔz 'vɛrɪ 'sli:pɪ]
Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury
['jɛstərdeɪ ə 'pɪʤən 'kærɪd ðə fə:st 'mɛsɪʤ frɔm Pinhurst tu Silbury]

"yester" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
I met a friend yesterday.
[aɪ mɛt ə frɛnd 'jɛstərdeɪ]
we (not/call) you yesterday
[wi: nɔt kɔ:l ju: 'jɛstərdeɪ]

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