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"Nożnej" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
football match
['futbɔ:l mæʧ]
kick off
[kɪk ɔf]
football championship
did you listen to the broadcast of the football match?
soccer game
a soccer store
[ə 'sɔkə(r) stɔ:(r)]
football field
['futbɔ:l fi:ld]
The weather was beautiful during our soccer game. Unfortunately , we lost.
she scorned the girls who worshipped football heroes
be keen on football
[bi: ki:n ɔn 'futbɔ:l]
He watches a program about soccer every Sunday afternoon.
[hi: 'wɔʧəz ə 'prəugræm ə'baut 'sɔkə(r) 'ɛvrɪ 'sʌndeɪ 'ɑ:ftər'nu:n]
penalty in football
Major League
football pitch
['futbɔ:l pɪʧ]
disturbances in the street after football matches
[dɪs'tə:bənsɪz ɪn ðə stri:t 'ɑ:ftə(r) 'futbɔ:l 'mæʧəz]
pitch / hockey / hockey player
[pɪʧ 'hɔkɪ 'hɔkɪ 'pleɪə(r)]
football magazine
['futbɔ:l mægə'zi:n]
(football) pitch
['futbɔ:l pɪʧ]
football coach
['futbɔ:l kəuʧ]
They have been watching the football on TV all afternoon.
[ðeɪ hæv bɪ:n 'wɔʧɪŋ ðə 'futbɔ:l ɔn 'ti:vi: ɔ:l 'ɑ:ftər'nu:n]
Tom is always talking about football.
[tɔm ɪz 'ɔ:lweɪz 'tɔ:kɪŋ ə'baut 'futbɔ:l]
I don't like football.
[aɪ don't laɪk 'futbɔ:l]
football training
['futbɔ:l 'treɪnɪŋ]
the FIFA World Cup
[ðə FIFA wə:ld kʌp]
football boots
['futbɔ:l bu:ts]
football fan
['futbɔ:l fæn]
They are watching a football match now
[ðeɪ ɑ:(r) 'wɔʧɪŋ ə 'futbɔ:l mæʧ nau]
They are watching football match now.
[ðeɪ ɑ:(r) 'wɔʧɪŋ 'futbɔ:l mæʧ nau]
We're going to a football match on Sunday.
[wi:r 'gəuɪŋ tu ə 'futbɔ:l mæʧ ɔn 'sʌndeɪ]
We are looking for a fit player for the football team
[wi: ɑ:(r) 'lukɪŋ fɔ:(r) ə fɪt 'pleɪə(r) fɔ:(r) ðə 'futbɔ:l ti:m]
cricket/football/hockey/rugby pitch
['krɪkɪt 'futbɔ:l 'hɔkɪ 'rʌgbɪ pɪʧ]
FA cup
[FA kʌp]
to watch a game of football
[tu wɔʧ ə geɪm ɔv 'futbɔ:l]

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