Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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"naszego" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
The roof of our house leaks every time it rains
What is the deadline of our project
our lawyer's family name
['auə(r) 'lɔ:jərz 'fæməlɪ neɪm]
our son's language teacher
['auə(r) sʌnz 'læŋgwəʤ 'ti:ʧə(r)]
Asking our boss for a raise
['ɑ:skɪŋ 'auə(r) bɔs fɔ:(r) ə reɪz]
is like banging your head against a brick wall.
Last night someone broke into our house
[lɑ:st naɪt 'sʌmwʌn brəuk 'ɪntu 'auə(r) haus]
Sunbathing isn`t good for our health
Laughing is good for our health
he belongs to our party
I think I can feel our baby's leg.
[aɪ θɪŋk aɪ kæn fi:l 'auə(r) 'beɪbɪz lɛg]
The weather was beautiful during our soccer game. Unfortunately , we lost.
One of the thieves had the audacity to quench his thirst while ransacking our home
If we don't finish our project , I'll be late.
their cause is worthy of our continued support
W.Harvey 1628
We love our cat.
[wi: lʌv 'auə(r) kæt]
an average reader of our magazine
Accusations and mutual rancour have become the core of our relationship
[ækju'zeɪʃənz ænd 'mju:ʧəwəl rancour hæv bɪ'kʌm ðə kɔ:(r) ɔv 'auə(r) rɪ'leɪʃənʃɪp]
It still doesn't solve our problem, though
[ɪt stɪl doesn't sɔlv 'auə(r) 'prɔbləm ðəu]
When we reached our table by the window
[wɛn wi: ri:ʧt 'auə(r) 'teɪbl baɪ ðə 'wɪndə]
Just then the waiter returned to our table
[ʤʌst ðɛn ðə 'weɪtə(r) rɪ'tə:nd tu 'auə(r) 'teɪbl]
beneficial for our mood
[bɛnɪ'fɪʃəl fɔ:(r) 'auə(r) mu:d]
Thank you for attending the funeral of our beloved
[θæŋk ju: fɔ:(r) ə'tɛndɪŋ ðə 'fju:nərəl ɔv 'auə(r) bɪ'lʌvɪd]
The chemicals enter our food chain, moving from fish to mammals to us.
[ðə 'kɛmɪkəlz 'ɛntə(r) 'auə(r) fu:d ʧeɪn 'mu:vɪŋ frɔm fɪʃ tu 'mæməlz tu ʌs]
We are proud of our country
[wi: ɑ:(r) praud ɔv 'auə(r) 'kʌntrɪ]
We'd like to ask you for setting a new date of our meeting.
[We'd laɪk tu æsk ju: fɔ:(r) 'sɛtɪŋ ə nju: deɪt ɔv 'auə(r) 'mi:tɪŋ]
with the help of our library
[wɪð ðə hɛlp ɔv 'auə(r) 'laɪbrɛrɪ]
It's very difficult to please our boss.
[It's 'vɛrɪ 'dɪfɪkəlt tu pli:z 'auə(r) bɔs]
It might contribute to deteriorating our health
[ɪt maɪt kən'trɪbju:t tu dɪ'tɪrɪəreɪtɪŋ 'auə(r) hɛlθ]
walking past our cottage
['wɔ:kɪŋ pɑ:st 'auə(r) 'kɔtəʤ]
We shall have no alternative but to pass the matter on to our legal department
[wi: ʃæl hæv nəu ɔl'tə:nətɪv bʌt tu pɑ:s ðə 'mætə(r) ɔn tu 'auə(r) 'li:gl dɪ'pɑ:tmənt]
we shall have no alternative but to pass the matter on to our legal department
[wi: ʃæl hæv nəu ɔl'tə:nətɪv bʌt tu pɑ:s ðə 'mætə(r) ɔn tu 'auə(r) 'li:gl dɪ'pɑ:tmənt]
Don't you mind if I introduce our special guest?
[Don't ju: maɪnd ɪf aɪ ɪntrə'du:s 'auə(r) 'spɛʃl gɛst]
This room is intended for our first child
[ðɪs ru:m ɪz ɪn'tɛndəd fɔ:(r) 'auə(r) fə:st ʧaɪld]
We like our cat.
[wi: laɪk 'auə(r) kæt]
fermented foods are full of lots of good bacteria for our gut
[fər'mɛntəd fju:dz ɑ:(r) ful ɔv lɔts ɔv gud bæk'tɪrɪə fɔ:(r) 'auə(r) gʌt]
can be obtained from our Service team.
[kæn bi: əb'teɪnd frɔm 'auə(r) 'sə:vəs ti:m]
I'm looking forward to seeing you again.
[aɪm 'lukɪŋ 'fɔ:wəd tu 'si:ɪŋ ju: ə'gɛn]
All general questions due to situations in which we got information earlier from our interlocutor, eg. by an email.
[ɔ:l 'ʤɛnərəl 'kwɛsʧənz dju: tu sɪʧu'eɪʃənz ɪn wɪʧ wi: gɔt ɪnfər'meɪʃən 'ə:lɪə(r) frɔm 'au&#]
there are many nuances regarding our market that must be taken into account when managing the company
[ðɛə(r) ɑ:(r) 'mɛnɪ 'nju:ɑnsɪz rɪ'gɑ:dɪŋ 'auə(r) 'mɑ:kɪt ðæt mʌst bi: 'teɪkən 'ɪntu ə'kaunt wɛn 'mæn]
I'm writing to you regarding our last calling.
[aɪm 'raɪtɪŋ tu ju: rɪ'gɑ:dɪŋ 'auə(r) lɑ:st 'kɔ:lɪŋ]
Give us this day our daily bread
['auə(r) 'deɪlɪ brɛd gɪv ʌs ðɪs deɪ]
In the ashes of our lives
[ɪn ðə 'æʃəz ɔv 'auə(r) lɪvz]
Around our Stadium
[ər'aund 'auə(r) 'steɪdɪəm]
repertoire of our cinema
['rɛpərtwɑr ɔv 'auə(r) 'sɪnəmə]
smoking is harmful to our health
['sməukɪŋ ɪz 'hɑ:mful tu 'auə(r) hɛlθ]
If we do not want to turn our environment into a garbage heap in the process, we should change our way of thinking
[ɪf wi: du: nɔt wɔnt tu tə:n 'auə(r) ɪn'vaɪərnmənt 'ɪntu ə 'gɑ:bɪʤ hi:p ɪn ðə 'prɔsɛs wi: ʃud ʧeɪnʤ 'auə(r) weɪ ɔv 'θɪŋkɪŋ]
If we do not want to turn our environment into a garbage heap in the process, we should change our way of thinking
[ɪf wi: du: nɔt wɔnt tu tə:n 'auə(r) ɪn'vaɪərnmənt 'ɪntu ə 'gɑ:bɪʤ hi:p ɪn ðə 'prɔsɛs wi: ʃud ʧeɪnʤ 'auə(r) weɪ ɔv 'θɪŋkɪŋ]
Did you use our minibar?
[dɪd ju: ju:s 'auə(r) minibar]
Thank you. Did you use our minibar?
[θæŋk ju: dɪd ju: ju:s 'auə(r) minibar]
For what purpose do I owe the pleasure of our meeting?
[fɔ:(r) wɔt 'pə:pəs du: aɪ əu ðə 'plɛʒə(r) ɔv 'auə(r) 'mi:tɪŋ]
our knowledge coupled with experience will provide the key to our success
['auə(r) 'nɔləʤ 'kʌpəld wɪð ɪk'spɪərɪəns wɪl prə'vaɪd ðə ki: tu 'auə(r) sək'sɛs]
we can expect comments on our laziness
[wi: kæn ɪks'pɛkt 'kɔmɛnts ɔn 'auə(r) 'leɪzɪnəs]
to sink into our mind
[tu sɪŋk 'ɪntu 'auə(r) maɪnd]
including costs of transportation to our warehouse
[ɪn'klu:dɪŋ kɔsts ɔv trænspər'teɪʃən tu 'auə(r) 'wɛrhaus]
Will you need access to our server?
[wɪl ju: ni:d 'æksɛs tu 'auə(r) 'sə:və(r)]

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