Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
being ['bi:ɪŋ] |
being authoriative | |
being authoritative | |
being competent | |
being decisive ['bi:ɪŋ dɪ'saɪsɪv] |
being efficient ['bi:ɪŋ ɪ'fɪʃənt] |
being persuasive | |
being ['bi:ɪŋ] |
being wild | |
beings ['bi:ɪŋz] |
being useful to society | |
being ['bi:ɪŋ] |
being single | |
being competent ['bi:ɪŋ 'kɔmpɪtənt] |
being competent | |
being persuasive ['bi:ɪŋ pərs'weɪsɪv] |
Being a teacher suits him well | |
being a family pet ['bi:ɪŋ ə 'fæməlɪ pɛt] |
being practical | |
being out of date ['bi:ɪŋ aut ɔv deɪt] |
being ['bi:ɪŋ] |
being ['bi:ɪŋ] |
being a game show contestant is not for everyone | |
being polite ['bi:ɪŋ pə'laɪt] |
being able to ['bi:ɪŋ 'eɪbl tu] |
being green | |
being late for work ['bi:ɪŋ leɪt fɔ:(r) wə:k] |
being ['bi:ɪŋ] |
Being sorry won't help. ['bi:ɪŋ 'sɔrɪ won't hɛlp] |
being ['bi:ɪŋ] |
being ['bi:ɪŋ] |
being known ['bi:ɪŋ nəun] |
being attractive that it's a bit strange ['bi:ɪŋ ə'træktɪv ðæt it's ə bɪt streɪnʤ] |
being kept ['bi:ɪŋ kɛpt] |
being ['bi:ɪŋ] |
being ['bi:ɪŋ] |
being my own person ['bi:ɪŋ maɪ əun 'pə:sɪn] |
being thick ['bi:ɪŋ θɪk] |
being sacked ['bi:ɪŋ sækt] |
being used ['bi:ɪŋ jju:zd] |
being responsible for ['bi:ɪŋ rɪs'pɔnsɪbl fɔ:(r)] |
being attempted ['bi:ɪŋ ə'tɛmptəd] |
being unemployed ['bi:ɪŋ nem'plɔɪd] |
Being in favour ['bi:ɪŋ ɪn feɪvə(r)] |
being overweight ['bi:ɪŋ əuvə'weɪt] |
being on ['bi:ɪŋ ɔn] |
being followed ['bi:ɪŋ 'fɔləd] |
being on ['bi:ɪŋ ɔn] |
being-donated ['bi:ɪŋ 'dəuneɪtəd] |
being noisy ['bi:ɪŋ 'nɔɪzɪ] |
being short for ['bi:ɪŋ ʃɔ:t fɔ:(r)] |
being by themselves ['bi:ɪŋ baɪ ðem'sɛlvz] |
being out in the water ['bi:ɪŋ aut ɪn ðə 'wɔ:tə(r)] |
being ['bi:ɪŋ] |
Being useful for society ['bi:ɪŋ 'ju:sful fɔ:(r) sə'saɪətɪ] |
Being part of a team ['bi:ɪŋ pɑ:t ɔv ə ti:m] |
Being part of a team ['bi:ɪŋ pɑ:t ɔv ə ti:m] |
Being useful for society is what drives me ['bi:ɪŋ 'ju:sful fɔ:(r) sə'saɪətɪ ɪz wɔt draɪvz mi:] |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
integrity [ɪn'tɛgrɪtɪ] |
trailblazing [trailblazing] |
Tantamount ['tæntəmaunt] |
sovereign ['sɔvrən] |
salvation [sæl'veɪʃən] |
have first refusal on sth | |
sour grapes | |
intrinsic [ɪn'trɪnsɪk] |
to have the potential | |
change of scenery [ʧeɪnʤ ɔv 'si:nərɪ] |
loyalty ['lɔɪəltɪ] |
complacency [kəm'pleɪsɪnsɪ] |
vanity ['vænɪtɪ] |