Słownik polsko-angielski i angielsko-polski z wymową lektora i transkrypcją fonetyczną

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ZOBACZ: Transkrypcja fonetyczna w języku angielskim, czyli jak wymawiać angielskie słówka

"TY" w języku angielskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
bold type
[bəuld taɪp]
flat tyre
[flæt taɪə(r)]
What's your type?
[wɔts jɔ:(r) taɪp]
blood type
[blʌd taɪp]
to have a flat tyre
[tu hæv ə flæt taɪə(r)]
have a flat tyre
[hæv ə flæt taɪə(r)]
The climate of Poland is continental with typical
various types of music
['vɛərɪəs taɪps ɔv 'mju:zɪk]
screeching tyres
had a flat tyre
flat tyre
[flæt taɪə(r)]
it's type of sth
a typical day
flat tyre
[flæt taɪə(r)]
a tyre
in bold type
typewriten typewrote typewritten
bald tyres
[bɔ:ld tyres]
spare tyre
[spɛə(r) taɪə(r)]
set of tyres
audio typing
personality type
[pəsɪ'nælɪtɪ taɪp]
ban a particular type of
What type of movie is it?
I like all types , except sad movies.
This type of car burns gas to produce energy.
[ðɪs taɪp ɔv kɑ:(r) bə:nz gæs tu prə'du:s 'ɛnərʤɪ]
I took the liberty of borrowing your typewriter
[aɪ tuk ðə 'lɪbətɪ ɔv 'bɑ:əɪŋ jɔ:(r) 'taɪpraɪtə(r)]
You are at liberty to use my typewrite
[ju: ɑ:(r) æt 'lɪbətɪ tu ju:s maɪ typewrite]
not your type
[nɔt jɔ:(r) taɪp]
Can you recommend some typical local dishes?
What type of music do they play?
[wɔt taɪp ɔv 'mju:zɪk du: ðeɪ pleɪ]
what is your typical day like?
[wɔt ɪz jɔ:(r) 'tɪpəkl deɪ laɪk]
kind / sort / type
different types of companies
car tyre
[kɑ:(r) taɪə(r)]
She is typical workaholic.
three types of bulbs
two main types of wood
Do you like monkeys?Of course! Monkeys are my favorite type of animal.
Is this proper type of plastic?
a lot of Hollywood types are frightfully artificial
(several types of) stone floors
Of course! Monkeys are my favorite type of animal.
how typical of him!
it's typical of Eve to envisage her future in dull colours
Ethnic diversity is typical of the USA society.
different types of cheese
i can't realte to this type of thing
party type
career type
outdoor type
['autdɔ:(r) taɪp]
Each person is playing a different type of instrument.
[i:ʧ 'pə:sɪn ɪz 'pleɪɪŋ ə 'dɪfərənt taɪp ɔv 'ɪnstrumənt]
i have a spare tyre
to type
[tu taɪp]
personality types
What was tyka used for?
Diarrhoea is a typical symptom of food poisoning.
[daɪə'ri:ə ɪz ə 'tɪpəkl 'sɪmptəm ɔv fu:d 'pɔɪzənɪŋ]
Each child is eating a different type of ice cream.
operator type stand on
['ɔpəreɪtə(r) taɪp stænd ɔn]
tire type
['taɪə(r) taɪp]
pump up the tyres
[pʌmp ʌp ðə tyres]
winter car tyres
['wɪntə(r) kɑ:(r) tyres]
He's not my type.
[He's nɔt maɪ taɪp]
This type of train burns coal to produce energy.
[ðɪs taɪp ɔv treɪn bə:nz kəul tu prə'du:s 'ɛnərʤɪ]
to type
[tu taɪp]
various types
['vɛərɪəs taɪps]
be my type
[bi: maɪ taɪp]
this function in the production of various types of blood cells
[ðɪs 'fʌŋkʃən ɪn ðə prə'dʌkʃən ɔv 'vɛərɪəs taɪps ɔv blʌd sɛlz]
tire, tyre
['taɪə(r) taɪə(r)]
I'm typing an email.
[I'm 'taɪpɪŋ ən ɪ'meɪl]
select the type of operation
[sɪ'lɛkt ðə taɪp ɔv ɔpə'reɪʃən]
As I stated above, this type of behaviour will not be tolerated
[æz aɪ 'steɪtəd ə'bʌv ðɪs taɪp ɔv behaviour wɪl nɔt bi: 'tɔləreɪtəd]
Swype is 30 % faster than normal typing.
[Swype ɪz 30 'fæstə(r) ðæn 'nɔ:ml 'taɪpɪŋ]
spare tyre/tire
[spɛə(r) taɪə(r) 'taɪə(r)]
might just as well have been typed...
[maɪt ʤʌst æz wɛl hæv bɪ:n taɪpt]
On my wardrobe I have an old typewriter.
[ɔn maɪ 'wɔ:drəub aɪ hæv ən əuld 'taɪpraɪtə(r)]
It breaks the time limitations of typical radio programme.
[ɪt breɪks ðə taɪm lɪmɪ'teɪʃənz ɔv 'tɪpəkl 'reɪdɪəu 'prəugræm]
education of an academic type
[ɛʤə'keɪʃən ɔv ən ækə'dɛmɪk taɪp]
puncture / flat tyre
['pʌŋkʧə(r) flæt taɪə(r)]
a tycoon
[ə taɪ'ku:n]
pump up the tyres
[pʌmp ʌp ðə tyres]
can you type on computer?
[kæn ju: taɪp ɔn kəm'pju:tə(r)]
hurricane / cyclone / typhoon
['hə:əkeɪn 'saɪkləun taɪ'fu:n]
I think that's a very typical French breakfast.
[aɪ θɪŋk that's ə 'vɛrɪ 'tɪpəkl frɛnʧ 'brɛkfəst]
fir-tree type blade root
[fə:(r) tri: taɪp bleɪd ru:t]
I can't type on a keyboard
[aɪ can't taɪp ɔn ə 'ki:bɔ:rd]
What type of concert would you be interested in going to
[wɔt taɪp ɔv 'kɔnsət wud ju: bi: 'ɪntrɪstəd ɪn 'gəuɪŋ tu]
What type of films are you a big fan
[wɔt taɪp ɔv fɪlmz ɑ:(r) ju: ə bɪg fæn]
The tyres are still covered in warm blankets.
[ðə tyres ɑ:(r) stɪl 'kʌvərd ɪn wɔ:m 'blæŋkəts]
The team leader adjusts the air pressure in the tyres.
[ðə ti:m 'li:də(r) ə'ʤʌsts ðə ɛə(r) 'prɛʃə(r) ɪn ðə tyres]
What is typical Irish food?
[wɔt ɪz 'tɪpəkl 'aɪrɪʃ fu:d]
I like all types of music
[aɪ laɪk ɔ:l taɪps ɔv 'mju:zɪk]
Adjust the air pressure in the Tyre.
[ə'ʤʌst ðə ɛə(r) 'prɛʃə(r) ɪn ðə taɪə(r)]
listen to different types of music
['lɪsɪn tu 'dɪfərənt taɪps ɔv 'mju:zɪk]
industry type
['ɪndəstrɪ taɪp]
skin type
[skɪn taɪp]
What type of
[wɔt taɪp ɔv]
What types....
[wɔt taɪps]
Which type of..........
[wɪʧ taɪp ɔv]
cell types
[sɛl taɪps]

"TY" w języku polskim:

Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna]
you, your
tu es
[tju: ɛs]
you are
[ju: ɑ:(r)]

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