Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
star [stɑ:] |
starch [stɑ:ʧ] |
stare at sb [stɛə(r)] |
stark [stɑ:k] |
start to [stɑ:t tu] |
starter ['stɑ:tə(r)] |
startingpoint | |
startle ['stɑ:tl] |
startled ['stɑ:təld] |
startup ['stɑ:tp] |
starvation [stɑr'veɪʃən] |
starve [stɑ:v] |
start off [stɑ:t ɔf] |
start work [stɑ:t wə:k] |
starlight ['stɑ:laɪt] |
starring ['stɑ:ɪŋ] |
starving ['stɑ:vɪŋ] |
starring ['stɑ:ɪŋ] |
starting salary ['stɑ:tɪŋ 'sælərɪ] |
starving ['stɑ:vɪŋ] |
stardom ['stɑ:dəm] |
start a family [stɑ:t ə 'fæməlɪ] |
start your own company [stɑ:t jɔ:(r) əun 'kʌmpənɪ] |
start [stɑ:t] |
star in a film [stɑ: ɪn ə fɪlm] |
start the programme | |
startling ['stɑ:tlɪŋ] |
start with sth | |
star-fruit | |
starving ['stɑ:vɪŋ] |
starboard ['stɑ:bərd] |
star sign [stɑ: saɪn] |
starve [stɑ:v] |
start- up | |
starch [stɑ:ʧ] |
start [stɑ:t] |
stark naked [stɑ:k 'neɪkɪd] |
start out [stɑ:t aut] |
start a relationship with sb [stɑ:t ə rɪ'leɪʃənʃɪp wɪð 'sʌmbədɪ] |
start [stɑ:t] |
start with the door shut in sb's face | |
star in such films as [stɑ: ɪn sʌʧ fɪlmz æz] |
starting point ['stɑ:tɪŋ pɔɪnt] |
starter ['stɑ:tə(r)] |
starry ['stɑ:ɪ] |
start up a family [stɑ:t ʌp ə 'fæməlɪ] |
starchy food ['stɑ:ʧɪ fu:d] |
start sb off | |
stark raving bonkers | |
start a career [stɑ:t ə kə'rɪə(r)] |
start school [stɑ:t sku:l] |
stared at [stɛrd æt] |
stare at [stɛə(r) æt] |
starszy marynarz | |
starszy marynarz | |
starszy marynarz | |
stare [stɛə(r)] |
starting the search | |
stark necked [stɑ:k nɛkt] |
starfish ['stɑ:fɪʃ] |
start doing sth [stɑ:t 'dju:ɪŋ 'sʌmθɪŋ] |
start over [stɑ:t 'əuvə(r)] |
stark [stɑ:k] |
starters ['stɑ:tərz] |
start business | |
start from the scratch [stɑ:t frɔm ðə skræʧ] |
start off with | |
starry ['stɑ:ɪ] |
star in a film [stɑ: ɪn ə fɪlm] |
starter ['stɑ:tə(r)] |
Start working | |
start to dancing | |
start a business | |
star [stɑ:] |
start up [stɑ:t ʌp] |
stars [stɑ:z] |
start school [stɑ:t sku:l] |
start [stɑ:t] |
starter key | |
start with humorous comment | |
starche | |
started out ['stɑ:təd aut] |
start [stɑ:t] |
start a relationship with sb [stɑ:t ə rɪ'leɪʃənʃɪp wɪð 'sʌmbədɪ] |
start [stɑ:t] |
stark naked | |
start with [stɑ:t wɪð] |
star-crossed | |
start a business [stɑ:t ə 'bɪznəs] |
stare [stɛə(r)] |
stare at [stɛə(r) æt] |
staring ['stɛrɪŋ] |
stare [stɛə(r)] |
start/end a relationship with sb [stɑ:t ɛnd ə rɪ'leɪʃənʃɪp wɪð 'sʌmbədɪ] |
start off | |
star in a film [stɑ: ɪn ə fɪlm] |
start/ end a relationship with sb [stɑ:t ɛnd ə rɪ'leɪʃənʃɪp wɪð 'sʌmbədɪ] |
starboard ['stɑ:bərd] |
start afresh [stɑ:t ə'frɛʃ] |
start at the beginning |
Angielskie słówko [transkrypcja fonetyczna] | |
aged [eɪʤd] |
ancient ['eɪnʃənt] |
antiquated ['æntɪkweɪtɪd] |
antiquity [æn'tɪkwɪtɪ] |
elder ['ɛldə(r)] |
lumber ['lʌmbə(r)] |
old [əuld] |
oldfashioned [əul'dfæʃənd] |
perusal [pər'u:zl] |
peruse [pər'u:z] |
senior ['si:njə(r)] |
spinster ['spɪnstə(r)] |
struggle ['strʌgl] |
apply (for) [ə'plaɪ fɔ:(r)] |
apply for a job [ə'plaɪ fɔ:(r) ə ʤɔb] |
to bite off more than one can chew | |
take off ['teɪkɔf] |
old town [əuld taun] |
golden oldie ['gəuldən 'əuldɪ] |
my folks | |
ancient Rome ['eɪnʧənt rəum] |
elderly person ['ɛldərlɪ 'pə:sɪn] |
old age [əuld eɪʤ] |
old maid [əuld meɪd] |
older ['əuldə(r)] |
older than ['əuldə(r) ðæn] |
old buildings [əuld 'bɪldɪŋz] |
long in the tooth [lɔ:ŋ ɪn ðə tu:θ] |
to do one's best to do sth | |
long-forgotten | |
to do one's best [tu du: wʌnz bɛst] |
make an effort [meɪk ən 'ɛfərt] |
grow old [grəu əuld] |
as old as the hills [æz əuld æz ðə hɪlz] |
trying to come to a decision | |
older than he looks | |
older... than ['əuldə(r) ðæn] |
elders ['ɛldə(r)z] |
old fashioned [əuld 'fæʃənd] |
ancient city ['eɪnʧənt 'sɪtɪ] |
abrasions [ə'breɪʒənz] |
frumpy ['frʌmpɪ] |
ancient societies | |
get older [gɛt 'əuldə(r)] |
take-off [teɪk ɔf] |
to apply for a job | |
to take off [tu teɪk ɔf] |
tribal elders | |
get old [gɛt əuld] |
old-fashioned [əuld 'fæʃənd] |
Old Stone Age | |
doing its part ['dju:ɪŋ ɪts pɑ:t] |
senior management ['si:njə(r) 'mænəʤmənt] |
hand-picked [hænd pɪkt] |
elderly lady ['ɛldərlɪ 'leɪdɪ] |
ancient cultures ['eɪnʧənt 'kʌlʧərz] |
I can make myself understood | |
elder sister ['ɛldə(r) 'sɪstə(r)] |
grow old [grəu əuld] |
elderly ['ɛldərlɪ] |
painstakingly ['peɪnsteɪkɪŋlɪ] |
an elderly person | |
scuffles ['skʌfəlz] |
an old apple tree [ən əuld 'æpl tri:] |
to get old | |
ancient ['eɪnʃənt] |
the eldelry | |
to strive to be truthful | |
junk [ʤʌŋk] |
old-new | |
folks [fəuks] |
old coins | |
old town [əuld taun] |
take off [teɪk ɔf] |
ancient ruins | |
an old cathedral [ən əuld kə'θi:drəl] |
old - young [əuld jʌŋ] |
Old Market Square [əuld 'mɑ:kɪt skwɛə(r)] |
in an attempt to | |
elaborat | |
be getting old in years | |
big brother [bɪg 'brʌðə(r)] |
old flame [əuld fleɪm] |
ancient ['eɪnʧənt] |
lift off [lɪft ɔf] |
start [stɑ:t] |
senile ['si:naɪl] |
vintage ['vɪntɪʤ] |
to try [tu traɪ] |
make on effort | |
pelican crossing | |
ancient ['eɪnʃənt] |
fledgling ['flɛʤlɪŋ] |
ancient wars | |
the old man and the sea | |
stuffy ['stʌfɪ] |
meticulously [mə'tɪkjulɪslɪ] |
Trying ['traɪɪŋ] |
Trying ['traɪɪŋ] |
set up [sɛt ʌp] |